This is why Unions are important. One of many reasons actually. Federal public employee union members are not allowed by law to strike. If ever there was a reason to strike, this would be it. I hope a lawsuit will suffice and rectify this injustice. Fingers crossed.
As a former Fed, although not allowed to join the Union, I am glad to see this. I hope other unions join in and ACLU files a brief. Jeez, is there a Trump Amin action that doesn’t have a lawsuit?
First Amendment, Separation of Powers, and then on to the Statutes…
who advises trump on these “executive” napkin notes?
I bet every business manager wishes they could just issue an executive order to tear up their union contracts. Not.
This is what running the country like a really crappy, badly managed business looks like.
How many fed workers voted for Trump?
Trump is not the first modern Republican to try and turn federal employment into a political base. In fact every Republican president starting with Richard Nixon has tried to end civil service and reinstitute the Spoils System (to the victor goes the spoils). Bush Jr. in particular tried this with federal employees created after 911 to check baggage at airports under the newly created Department of Homeland Security. For those who remember, Senator Max Cleland who left half his body in Vietnam opposed Bush the deserter who used Daddy’s influence to get him out of Vietnam allowing Bush, as he did in Iraq, to support a war for other people but not him or any member of his family to fight and die. The deserter Bush responded by posting adds morphing war hero Cleland into Osama and Saddam.
The point being this is typical Republican politics trying to destroy the federal government by turning federal employees into temporary workers who only serve so long as their party holds office and are therefore easily corrupted.
Only the really stupid ones.
Does anybody have statistics and/or evidence that Unions help keep substantial numbers of obviously bad employees in their jobs? I’m betting not but right-wingers like Trump LOVE to portray things in a way that suggests that, much like the Catholic Church, Unions shelter tons of “bad eggs” and prevent lots of well-meaning businesses and organizations from terminating employees.