Discussion: Union Leader: White House Is Divided Between 'Racists' And 'Wall Streeters'


A trenchant analysis. Although I’m not sure it would be correct to say that the Wall Streeters are none of them racists. Some of them are more subtle racists.


My thoughts exactly; the Venn diagram would show some overlap and–after we solve all our other problems–we can argue about how much.


OK, I thought my previous comment was a reply to yours! And it was.

How could he or any of his fellow union members have known that a man who stiffed every single person who ever worked for him might staff his office with people favorable to rich white businessmen.


Trumka is an excellent messenger. I wondered why he was hanging around that awful phony advisory board. Apparently so that he could level bumper-sticker-concise digs like this when he inevitably quit. But it won’t get much play because every Sunday show won’t have him on repping working people, and because a lot of his constituents are tuned in to Fox and Breitbart now anyway…

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Because tariffs… yet somehow took Trumka seven months to figure out that Trump is a fraud… Anybody reading Doonesbury the comic strips in the newspapers learned that 30 years ago.

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Racist’s, Wall Streeter’s, White Sheeter’s, and Tax Cheaters.


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Well, Duh! It’s the BASE!

OK, we obviously need a professional opinion on this. Let’s ask the RNC.