Discussion: Undocumented Immigrant Population Is Dropping No Matter What GOP Says

Discussion for article #244891

“But but but!
Then where did they take our jobs!”


REALITY CHECK: Undocumented Immigrant Population Hits 13-Year Low



REALITY is also a very slippery slope. The best defense is to mindlessly shout “USA! USA!” while saying hateful things about brown people.


The phrase “reality check” is grossly arrogant when trumpeting numbers that are by their very nature a combination of assumption, approximation and guesswork.

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4…3…2…1 GOP The numbers are lower b/c the good immigrants dont want to come here b/c Obama’s president so now only the rapists and criminal immigrants are coming in now

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Welcome to R.R.C. – the Republican Rationalization Corner! It’s a fun game, but only the angry and/or stupid are allowed to participate.

Here’s how you play: Select as many of the following Congressionally-approved explanations as you wish. Once you’ve done so, you’ll win your own special set of cognitive dissonance neurons and an “American Patriot” badge from the RNC. It’s that simple!

Ready? Let’s GO:

  1. This is an attempt by the Obummer to lull us into complacency: He and his overlords at Univision/ISIS have engaged in a general retreat and will invade again when we stop being vigilant – sort of like the Battle of the Bulge!

  2. More proof that the Obummer’s corrupt federal government is cooking the books!

  3. If it’s not on Sean Hannity, I don’t believe it!

  4. NAHHHHHHHH!!! What’s that? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!


I assume the Republican rejoinder is they’ve just gotten better at hiding.

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That’s because they want to get out of the country before that yoooooooooooooooooooge wall gets built.

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There is an Outrage Industry.

Same as pharmaceuticals, banking, fossil fuels, automobiles. There is only a tangential relationship of actual “hardship” to “outrage”, the “outrage” quite malleable and subject to augmentation by various instruments, of which the Right has an abundance.

“While illegal immigration has dropped nationally, the report does note that there are 11 states–including Cruz’s home state of Texas– where the population of immigrants living in the state illegally have grown.”
Well sure. They have to get people they can work at slave-wages SOMEWHERE.

No, no, you’ve got it all wrong. They’re not coming because the GOOPers are making them afraid with all them there walls and self deportations and the rest of the malarkey. Of course Obama can’t be responsible – it has to be Donny Boy and Teddy and the rest of the gang…

This is good news and will be spun by the RWNs into something unrecognizable as the truth. What is troubling however and almost certainly good news for the right is that Latino voters do not turn out to vote. The turnout in 2012 was 48%, 2014 was 27%, and the predictions are it will be lower this year, and the reasons for low turnout are extremely complicated. Candidates direct too little attention to Latino voters, and yet their strength as a growing segment of the population is growing very quickly. GOTV efforts must be more strenuously directed to Latinos of all ages but particularly those just turning 18

Well…so what. The issue is phony. Gop’ers don’t concern themselves with the facts on this. Undocumented immigrants don’t vote and don’t donate to campaigns. And if given the option to become citizens Hispanic immigrants will not likely vote GOP. That makes them no count to GOP’ers and a safe target to project all of America’s ills on.

Them’s the facts. You can pitch every illegal out of the USA with a backhoe and not a damn thing will change in the trailer park. Life won’t get better for anyone sitting in soup stained lazy-boy but they’ll keep right on voting for GOP’ers. Because it make them feel good. Like lynching used to do.

Its a safe issue. Like “defending the Constitution”…what the fuck does that actually mean? Nothing and you don’t have to do or achieve anything to claim it. You can “fight” for this or that, decry “political correctness”, bad mouth elites and
talk tough all day but at the end of that day not done shit. That’s the object. It only has to sound good. Feel good. No good has to or ever will come out of it.

Yes…but no. If the numbers derived by assumption, approximation and guesswork are compared to numbers derived by assumption, approximation and guesswork the premise is valid. A bit like " mark and recapture" to measure the population of a species within the entire population of an area. The first and second counts don’t tell you shit. The comparison does. Its a measure of change or proportion…and the method you describe works for that. If an absolute is what is desired you could not be more right. I agree…the phrase reality check is a bit high handed.

Republicans won’t be satisfied until we get those numbers down to zero…and since that’ll never happen, they’ll continue to rant on with every excuse they can think of.

Compared to the method of you-all-just-know-it’s-true that is employed by the GOPers who fear ever-growing hoards of undocumented rapists, the method in this study is a model of accuracy.