Discussion: Under Trump, Uninsured Rate Rises For First Time Since Obamacare Took Effect

Stop posting these. They are spam and not very good.


…and there we go. The Flying Monkeys should be out shortly to tell us they are all a bunch of moochers anyway…

It’s OK, no one gets sick during the winter.

The Trump response was telegraphed long ago: “See, I told you. This is Obama’s failing health care program.”

This, from a man who can make gold look shoddy and cheap.


Neither have you.

This is not the place to get clicks for your blog.

Please stop it.


True death panels.


off topic, but I am curious how many of tRUmp’s TWITter followers are actually russian trollbots?

percentagewise I’d guess over/under at greater than 50%

So much winning is gonna kill us all. Make America Sick Again! MASA!


I’d wonder what the increase in the death toll from the lack of insurance.
Pre ACA was 45k per year. It’s declined since. If it increases it will be more than the 9/11 death toll.

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Or as someone said The hobos view of a successful business man.

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But this is just the natural failure of the ACA running its course! See, we told you so!!!

The GOP: breaking gov’t to prove it’s broken isn’t just a hobby, it’s a way of life.


This is trumpcare not obamacare/ACA. PERIOD…
People better wake the hell up because it’s not just healthcare they’re coming after your 401 (k) benefits: https://twitter.com/MarketWatch/status/921373099496493056?ref_src=twsrc^tfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftheobamadiary.com%2F2017%2F10%2F20%2Fif-only%2F

So, it’s working now according to the moron.
He feels successful and we will hear about another one of his great great accomplishments.
woop de doo!!!

The Pyrite President.


This doesnt compute, because ACA participation for 2017 was baked-in before Trump became president.

GOP: This saves people the humiliation of being forced to buy Health Insurance. Very good news.
Trump: And people are saving money by not having insurance. Reduces our deficit.

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All this winning smells suspiciously like death

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Trump will blame President Obama for the increase in the uninsured in 2017. All of his idiot followers will stupidly mod their heads in agreement. They all have no ability to think critically — or even think, actually — so it’s guaranteed.

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O the joy!

Just a-shufflin’ off to Hillbilly Heaven a few decades ahead of schedule.

Wouldn’t want to put too much room between the womb and the tomb, ya know.

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