Discussion: Under Trump, Uninsured Rate Rises For First Time Since Obamacare Took Effect

This is trumpcare not obamacare/ACA. PERIOD…
People better wake the hell up because it’s not just healthcare they’re coming after your 401 (k) benefits: https://twitter.com/MarketWatch/status/921373099496493056?ref_src=twsrc^tfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftheobamadiary.com%2F2017%2F10%2F20%2Fif-only%2F

So, it’s working now according to the moron.
He feels successful and we will hear about another one of his great great accomplishments.
woop de doo!!!

The Pyrite President.


This doesnt compute, because ACA participation for 2017 was baked-in before Trump became president.

GOP: This saves people the humiliation of being forced to buy Health Insurance. Very good news.
Trump: And people are saving money by not having insurance. Reduces our deficit.

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All this winning smells suspiciously like death

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Trump will blame President Obama for the increase in the uninsured in 2017. All of his idiot followers will stupidly mod their heads in agreement. They all have no ability to think critically — or even think, actually — so it’s guaranteed.

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O the joy!

Just a-shufflin’ off to Hillbilly Heaven a few decades ahead of schedule.

Wouldn’t want to put too much room between the womb and the tomb, ya know.


It’s important for Dems to realise that this is what a lot of middle and lower income people voted for. They didn’t want to be forced to buy health insurance from massive private corporations. And they certainly didn’t want the government spending $100 million a year of their money to tell them they were forced to buy health insurance from massive private corporations.

Steve Bannon blasts George Bush and calls for Republican 'revolt’
The former White House adviser delivered a retort to a speech Bush gave in New York during the week in which the 43rd president denounced bigotry in Trump-era American politics and warned that the rise of “nativism”, isolationism and conspiracy theories have clouded the nation’s true identity.
Bannon, speaking to a capacity crowd at a California Republican party convention on Friday night, said Bush had embarrassed himself, didn’t know what he was talking about, and had no idea whether “he is coming or going, just like it was when he was president”.

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He has yet to realize there is a world beyond himself…his decisions and words…the things he does or doesn’t do or accomplish, the things he ignores or obsesses over affect the lives of millions.unprecedented idiotic behavior that will kill innocent Americans.

Drumpf is taking credit where NONE IS DUE…And lying about others action when it is his own dirty doing.

Bloody lying old fat slob…

You are dropped from your insurance if you don’t payl So it may be that people aren’t paying for their insurance and are being dropped. Or are reporting that they don’t plan to continue.

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