Discussion: Under Trump, Pentagon Seizes More Control, Civilian Casualties Rise

But Hillary is a hawk and will start WW III. And her emails!!.


Such a job of making us safer!

Trump’s arrogance coupled with his profound ignorance are rivaled only by the size of his enormous ego now named Audrey. Perpetually crying it’s siren call from trump “Feed Me!”


Many have large investments in military industry …

They expect a return — just business –


…Hoping this is an AprilFools joke… or that I’d wake up and realize that 2016 was a nightmare…


There is so much White House chaos dominating the news that this story isn’t getting much coverage or discussion. Perhaps this is the most frightening outcome of Trump’s election . . . but I seem to say that everyday whether the issue is Russia, healthcare, weakening of the EPA, etc.


I have said this before and will say it forever; every politician who approves military action should have a kid or close family member on the front lines.
Maybe, just maybe different decisions will be made.


On this, at least, Trump is delivering what most of his supporters want: dead Muslims.


Oh my - what could possibly go wrong ?

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It’s a great plan. Make enemies and then kill them. Rinse and repeat.


That is so horribly true.

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Meanwhile the 1% still have their giant Bush tax cuts and these wars are deficit spending!

Meanwhile the rich don’t serve on the front lines - they play golf and sip cocktails at Mar-a-Lago while Trump cuts healthcare for our enlisted front line soldiers!

Robber barons rule!

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And the ever popular: But Hillary voted for the Iraq War!

Lock her up! Lock her up!


I think partly because he’s a hawk, but largely because he’s completely ignorant as to world affairs and has no interest in learning. Easier to let them just do what they want while he chills at Mar a Lago.

Plus, the added benefit of blaming the generals when things inevitably go south.


Back in the pre-invasion of Iraq era - I thought the national discussion should be around a draft - because it would have made the country grapple with the seriousness of the endeavor, and whether it was grave enough to go and/or have family members go to fight.

I predict that had that been the case at the dawn of this century - we probably still would have gone to Afghanistan, given the emotional aftermath of 911 - and we would not have gone to Iraq. Needless to say my opinion was not terribly popular. Meanwhile the burden of these actions have been borne by such a relatively small part of our population/


My elderly father (a WWII vet) says the same thing repeatedly - no one who doesn’t have a family member on active duty should be allowed to vote for, support, or authorize any kind of military action. He believes it is the only way that such decisions would be made with the appropriate level of seriousness.


I agree with you about the draft.

It made them more careful about going into discretionary wars because the people were more directly involved. The country’s reaction to Vietnam made going to an all-volunteer standing imperial army an easy move for the Military/Industrial Complex. It keeps the population a step removed from what they are doing, an all-volunteer force doesn’t complain because nobody would listen. So now we have a permanent military class in this country.

The draft was democracy in action. This all volunteer military is all wrong.


No, it’s been borne by the poor in our population and those with minimal options for a better future.
I bet there are no recruitment days at private high schools as there are at public schools in some neighborhoods.
I agree with everything else you said.

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