Discussion: Under The Gun Over Census, Wilbur Ross Stiffs Congressional Hearing

Really the best way to handle it.

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Hmmmm. I just may be one of those panty waisted Democrats. Just saying.


You probably haven’t issued one subpoena today. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR


Donald Trump asked a foreign policy expert advising him why the U.S. can’t use nuclear weapons, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said on the air Wednesday, citing an unnamed source who claimed he had spoken with the GOP presidential nominee.

"Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can’t we use them," Scarborough said on his “Morning Joe” program.

Scarborough made the Trump comments 52 seconds into an interview with former Director of Central Intelligence and ex-National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden.

Scarborough then asked a hypothetical question to Hayden about how quickly nuclear weapons could be deployed if a president were to give approval.

"It’s scenario dependent, but the system is designed for speed and decisiveness. It’s not designed to debate the decision," Hayden said.

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Hahahaha! I am still in my pajamas here on the West Coast, so there’s that.


Watch for, in the comment section of the very next article, a complaint from the same commentator about the legendary Democratic circular firing squad.


Dear Wilbur, you are the head of the Commerce Department. As one of the duties of the position you hold is to make sure Congress funds your Department. Funding levels need to be appropriated, and no Donnie can’t slip you some bucks on down low. And since money is involved then there is Oversight. Sorry that it’s something that you’re not familiar with but you must have not read your job description. Besides Congress has ways of making you talk, get used to it asshole.


Very few Dems have the guts to seriously challenge republicans on much of anything. Over the decades, the GOP has cowed the Dems into believing that the country really is “right-leaning” and, therefore, it’s politically unwise to fight for truly progressive/liberal policies. Ross is getting away with this because Dems are terrified of what it might appear like to voters; that Dems are being mean. It’s pathetic. The GOP is nothing but a mafia organization these days; it threatens, extorts, holds hostages, lies, cheats, steals and otherwise just beats the living shit out of timid Dems. The other factor working against progressives is that republican economic policies enormously benefit rich Dems, so Dems aren’t all that worried about losing either the House or the Senate. Ross will get his question on the census because the right-wing fights dirty and gets its way regardless of how its achieved. There’s never been a more appropriate time to restate the old adage: “Nice Guys Finish Last”.


So…what? He doesn’t want oversight so he just doesn’t APPEAR? Gosh only the best people this USA has to offer…they do what they want and screw the people?

Earth bound ET needs to dragged in and made to testify…why is there an assumption these people are above the conventions and laws of the land…he was so eager to ad this question to the Census…why can’t he be willing to discuss on merit?


Since Democrats do not control the Senate subpoena process, it will take at least 2 years for them to issue a subpoena for Ross.

Pay attention, dear.


That’s quite the distortion of what I said.

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They have been talking about a subpoena in the House for months… Dear.


This is about the Senate.
And the House IS issuing subpoenas.


Nope. You won’t see that.

To be fair …

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross turned down an invitation to 
 appear in front a House Appropriations subcommittee Wednesday

“Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross turned down an invitation to appear in front a House Appropriations subcommittee Wednesday — the second time in recent days Ross has dodged an opportunity to testify on his department’s budget.”



You want to be right so bad… Besides dear, I thought you were talking about the Senate? You seemed so sure.