Discussion for article #225408
There MUST be a typo in here some place. I have been assured in G-ds name several times this month in this very forum that every Israeli soldier spends their days walking on water and turning water to wine. Undoubtedly the U.N. Commissioner for Human Rights is a Hamas infiltrator!!!
Keep it simple: He’s just anti-semitic!
The term anti-semitic is thrown at anyone who’s against Israel’s barbarism and land theft. The term isn’t even correct because only ten percent of the world’s Jews are Semite. It’s little known fact that over 90% of the world’s 12.7 million Jewish population is Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi ancestry comes from Slav, Bulgar, Iranian and Turkic tribes which established the Khazar empire in that region – which at its peak stretched from Kiev in the West to the Aral Sea in the Southeast. Dr Eran Elhaik, an Israeli geneticist, says that most Jews are not “Semitic”and came up with the numbers. Obviously, he’s anti-semitic and a self hating Jew. On the other hand, most Arabs and some Ethiopians are Semites. Jews that are descendents of the ancient Israeli tribe of Abraham are true Semites and tend to look more Arab. In general, Ashkenazi Israelis prefer the term anti-semitic because it ties them closer to the land they stole from the Arab Semites who also descended from Abraham.
You have been assured that by absolutely no one, but why should I expect that the words you put in my mouth should be any more accurate than the words you put in your own.
People declare “Israel is committing war crimes.” I have stated, again and again, that it is likely that while it is likely that war crimes will be committed by individuals, but that’s not the same as asserting that “Israel” as a matter of policy, is intentionally killing civilians, which is what the usual charge being made here is.
Note, however, that there is also a reference to Hamas war crimes here–but no, if I suggest that Hamas might commit war crimes, I must be a racist.
Eran Elhaik is one scientist whose theories are contrary to virtually every genetic study of Jews done in the last decade and a half.
the term “antisemitism” was specifically crafted in the late 19th century in Germany to refer to anti-Jewish prejudice that wasn’t based on religion. You don’t have to like the term’s meaning, but that’s what it means.