Discussion: Ukraine Ambassador To US 'Concerned' About Trump's Russia Remarks

The whole world is concerned about Drumpf’s Russia remarks.


“Look at the trouble with Ukraine. There’s more proof of the complete failure of Obama’s foreign policy. People want an independent person with good judgment like Donald Trump, not a failure like Obama, who even as he leaves office continues with his foreign policy blunders”


Did George W. Bush break ties with NATO before he left? Why does Trump think Russia is now our biggest ally?


Hey Trump ! Do you hear that ? “Concerned”, that’s a good word ! That is Diplomacy ! Diplomacy !
Use “Concerned” more, it will make you appear more presidential !

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“Valeriy Chaly, the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States, said Monday that Donald Trump’s recent comments about Russia and Ukraine are worrisome.”

Remember, if you’re playing Trump Bingo at home, you can now mark the “International Incident” square.


C’mon, be more timely–“Look at the trouble with the Rio Olympics. More proof of Obama’s failing foreign policy.” Or, even better, “Brexit…Thanks, Obama!”


Are you really supposed to do this before the inauguration ? Seems unseemly ?


“…predictable leadership, and predictable foreign policy.”

AKA “not certifiably insane President”

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He hoped that the U.S. will “have a predictable leadership, and predictable foreign policy.”

Sounds like an endorsement to me. (Wink wink, nudge nudge.)


I’m playing Trump monopoly…and I’ve built a dang red motel on that square!

There’s the Nato thing, the Baltic state thing, the Japan ought to get their own nukes thing, Mexico…


Putin has said he doesn’t want any part of the election (yeah, I know), publicly, and now the Ukraine is definitely against Trump. Looks like his “diplomacy” needs a little work.

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Chaly told CNN that he was “surprised” by Trump’s remarks and “concerned” that the Republican presidential candidate does not have all the facts.

Ah. The cruel, irony of understatement.

Ya Think!!


I’ve built a dang red motel on that square.

Trumpatovsky Tower?


[Chaly noted on CNN that the Trump campaign’s efforts to soften language in the platform contradicts the stance on protecting Ukraine widely held by Republicans.

He said that the Trump campaign has a “lack of strategy,” and said he hoped that the U.S. will “have a predictable leadership, and predictable foreign policy.”]

Nearly 100% of Trump support is based on racial hatred and resentment. They are the two most important factors in his appeal. If the racial hatred and resentment are great enough and if there are enough voters with this mentality, it does not matter to Trump if Ukraine is in the Caribbean. But one thing is important…actually two things:

Ryan and McConnell

These are the two muggs who continue to legitimize Trump by not having set into motions mechanisms to Pull the Plug on him. The longer he hangs around, the more dangerous and non-productive the world gets.

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Because he owes them lots of money.

Ohhhhh, I marked mine when Trump tried to extort NATO allies.


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