Trying to raise money from UK Politicians?
Trump is desperate.
Trump is sad.
The letter to Junior was priceless. Well done, Natalie McGarry!
Isn’t foreign donations to american campaigns illegal?
The Wizard of Oz still bumbling,and confused lol
It looks like Donald “the draft dodging coward” Trump is as much a loser at fund raising as everything else in his pathetic life.
Whatever you do, Donald, don’t send a fundraising email to Groundskeeper Willie.
Q: Is it legal for candidates to raise funds overseas for a presidential race?
A: Yes, but they can’t legally accept donations from individuals who are neither U.S. citizens nor permanent U.S. residents.
Not to mention low energy!
Trump’s first foray into Foreign Relations. Well that went swimmingly.
Surely the Trump campaign can’t seriously think Members of Parliament are US citizens?
“Efforts to try to have these deleted have failed. I wonder if you’d be kind enough to intercede with the Digital Services Department to see
Well, that’s the problem, then. The parliamentarians need to avail themselves of The Short-Fingered Digital Services Department.
You cannot make this stuff up.
It is turning into a complete farce.
As Nancy would say,“It’s Amateur Hour”.
Oh…these fundraising emails are turning into yet another public disaster very quickly.
They changed the website right before they started sending them, so its being estimated that something like 60-70% of them have gone right into spam folders, as the users emails don’t recognize the new domain.
Out of what is left, they are seeing woefully low open, let alone read, numbers…something like less than 12% opened. That’s 12% of the 30-40% that weren’t deleted by spam filters.
Yet he is claiming to have raised over $5 million off of the first one.
These claims, btw, are going to blow up in his face within weeks as the June numbers are reported.
The complete bollix-ups come through like rush-hour subway trains, zing zing zing!
Um, foreign nationals cannot give to US presidential campaigns, so I’m guessing Donald is looking for some free money to pay himself and his failing properties.
I think that ship left the dock some time ago.
Surely the email addresses of Members of Parliament would give them a clue that these were not legitimate marks for the solicitation of campaign donations. Oh, wait … clues … never mind.
That report is due on 7/20 too. Right in the middle of the RNC Convention.