Discussion: UK Gov't Concerns About Fox News Likely To Trigger Probe Of Sky Merger


to examine whether Fox has an appropriate commitment to broadcasting standards.

I think Fox still wants to be able to see other standards.


I would approach the sale of ANY media outlet to Fix Noise with the same concern I would an offer by RT to buy it.


and all that is not to mention the Phone hacking scandal that involving the now defunct “News of the World” and other British newspapers published by “News International”, a subsidiary of “News Corporation”, the parent company of “Fox News”, was embroiled in not long ago in the U.K (2011 to be precise.)

Plenty of reasons to put the kibosh on the takeover and hit News Corp. where it hurts, right in the nads.


After THAT despicable display of ‘ambush journalism’ and illegal hacking, how the fk can the Brits even be considering this preposterous deal??


Faux News destroyed the US. Why wouldn’t it turn to the UK next?


The only thought that enters my brain after reading this is

How could anyone with a functional democracy anywhere on this planet even consider inviting this parasitic, oligarchy feeding predator into their hen house? Seriously? How???


Gonna be so sweet if Murdoch’s big merger is squelched because Hannity pushed the bullshit conspiracies too far. Karma to the max.


I could be wrong here, but i believe Murdoch actually built his dogshit brand in Australia and GBritain BEFORE the repugnicans broke the law to let him open shop in the US


“The Fox News parent company is not fit to own Sky News lick the bottom of Walter Cronkite’s shoes.”


And that’s the way it is.


Can I emigrate to Great Britain?

…she will likely refer 21st Century Fox’s bid to buy British outlet Sky News to the country’s competition watchdog to examine whether Fox has an appropriate commitment to broadcasting standards.

Is that even an open question?



Murdoch media isn’t fit to lick the bottom of Ron Burgundy’s shoes!


You are partly correct. But he initially built his dogshit brand with newspapers, not broadcast media. His first foray in electronic media was the Britain-based satellite channel Sky News. It was through his tabloid newspaper empire that he earned the money to finance it. Sky News lost money for years, just as Fox News did when it launched.

I’m repeating this history from memory but I think it’s fairly accurate. You might want to Google it … if you can stomach reading about him.


Your newspaper angle is absolutely correct; was started by his old man, if memory serves.

And you’re right again: have no stomach for reading anything more about the asshole but his death notice, ken yehi ratson


How hilarious that owning the streaming pile of shit called Fox News in the U.S. might prevent Murdoch from scoring one of the biggest and most lucrative U.K. media deals of his career.


This British “examination” of Murdoch’s “commitment to broadcast standards” could have some curious fallout for the conservative megalomaniac and his US holdings, and others.

If the British conclude he doesn’t meet broadcast standards there, this information will no doubt migrate “across the pond” and result in increased scrutiny here. This could possibly have a curious effect.

It’s pretty much universally understood by media scholars that Murdoch and FOX News has debased news dissemination in the US. This was allowed to happen in large part to the absence of the Fairness Doctrine; this absence also allowed the rise of right-wing talk radio.

Now, with the focus on the destructiveness of fake news, like FOX, this could result in (I hope) a return of the Fairness Doctrine. Should that happen, right-wing media like FOX News, Sinclair Broadcasting, Premiere Radio Networks (hurricane hero Rush Limbaugh’s employer) and others would be essentially be dealt a death blow.

The best part of the return of the Fairness Doctrine, should that happen, however, is that I will host a giant party in Simi Valley, California where I will invite everyone to take a shit on the grave of the man who eliminated it and set in motion the destructive rise and legitimization of the American Reich wing in the first place.

That’s right, we’re all going to take a dump at the Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library! Good times.


Uncle, you’ve been reading my mind!!

Have avoided visiting Simi Valley while on my regular visits to Southern California because shitting on Ronzo’s grave would be an irresistible temptation.

Should the minor miracle of the re-instatement of the Fairness Doctrine come to pass, i’ll gladly join in that celebration!!

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Time after time Murdoch’s of FOX News has shown to not follow broadcast standards or standards of any kind, yet the UK is still think of letting it control even more of the media. Large media corporation need to be split up, and not allowed to expand to we the control the message. This is what is happening everywhere the Murdoch’s have their hands in buying up media outlets. Fox and Sinclair have done this in the United States and these corporations need to be split up so that one political way of thinking can’t control the message as the far right has done here in America.


Sure, the “double standard,” the “Lie,” the “libel,” the “fabrications standard,” and the ever-popular “dick pic standard.” They have many standards, all of them low.