Discussion: U.S. Secret Service Is Paying Trump $1.6 Million For Air Travel

Itā€™s good to be da king.


Grifters grifting.


A playah, playing and duping the Repugnican ā€˜baseā€™. It has never so clear that Trump has been campaigning for brand recognition and profit, gaming the electoral process.


The only thing is at least grifters are clever enough to fool you. People like Trump arenā€™t. They just take advantage in any cheap, chiseling way they can. They tack on ridiculous fees, donā€™t provide the services contracted for on technicalities or just because they can. Grifting, at least in books and movies, is an art form. Chiseling is just being awful because thatā€™s what you are. And man, I hate the idea of tax dollars going in this chiselerā€™s pocket. I have to remind myself to calm down and let karma, in which Iā€™ve learned to have some trust, work in the way it deems most effective.


Deadbeat Donny at work!

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Thatā€™s Chiselinā€™ Trump, once again sucking on the government teat.


Um , nooooooooooo , it`s the TAXPAYER paying the money .


We should tread lightly here.

I believe the secret service pays a fair amount directly to the Clintons for accommodations in Chappaquaā€¦

Yes, its different. I know this. They are protecting the former president, and they are saving money vs finding other accommodations. But the total $ as a function of how long its been makes Donaldā€™s # seem small.

With the vapid, false equivalence obsessed msm, this line of attack could blow up in our faces.

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This guy is so completely shameless. The mind boggles.


Thatā€™s why i canā€™t understand why on earth he went on that tear about using O.P.M. the other night. If he gets in the White House (God forbid!), that O.P.M. he likes using for himself will be taxpayer funds. Unless heā€™s trying to lose and his supporters really are that stupid ( :wink:) , i have no idea why heā€™d bring that up.


It is probably already in the GOP daily talking points for cable news appearances.

More money to start his cable company with Roger Alis as the head.

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Why does the Secret Service pay either candidate? Shouldnā€™t it be offered with no reimbursement and if the candidate wants someone to pay for the privilege of protecting them they hire private goons?


GOPers wonā€™t even need to push it, the the hosts will already be on it.

They must keep the race close. Horserace coverage is cheap and easy. In depth, substantive coverage costs more to produce.

They are all businesses, thus every media outlet has a conflict of interest. Trump is the ratings gold. 4yrs of outlandish behavior, potential for war coverage (another msm wet dream) is too hard to pass up.

When is any of this ever going to stick to him? 12-16 years ago probably at least 20 of the things that Trump has said and done would have sunk every other political campaign. Heā€™s corrupt, lies constantly about easily verifiable things, scams his supporters, calls everyone losers, is misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, his message is fear, FEAR, FEAR, usually has no knowledge of policy issues, never gives press conferences, only appears on FOX, has admitted to admiring dictators, is corrupt in his business dealings, calls his time in college is own person ā€œVietnamā€ in avoiding getting any STDs, insults everyone save for white men, happily dumps a wife for a new one, raped his previous wife, has bankrupted countless companiesā€¦ Iā€™ve limited this list for brevity.

Is this the new normal?


This is a good point. I suppose the answer includes perhaps that the sheer number of Secret Service detail for each candidate forces the respective campaigns to shift campaign staff to a second or alternate means of travel, so it creates a cost for each campaign. But I agree that the idea of the Government paying each campaign for travel and accommodations is counter-intuitive. I think what this piece does show is that HO is totally tone deaf to the optics of his own swarming conflicts of interests. Like the entire GOP and media, he is going into deep subtle territory to suggest that the Clinton Foundation is corrupt to the core. Then they totally ignore Colin Powellā€™s foundation, which did obtain access and favors for the likes of Ken Lay. They totally ignore Bush family foundations. And they assume that a payment from the Secret Service directly to an entity owned by Trump should create no issue whatsoever.

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Worse yet, i fear this is only the beginning.

The idiocracy has already begun.


Actually, heā€™s insulted plenty of those, too. John McCain, the entire Bush clan, Bill Clinton, Lindsey Graham, former Defense Sec. Gatesā€¦ you get the idea.

If this was the single example of Trump using the campaign as an enrichment scheme, yes. But if this is presented as another example of Trump funneling campaign business to Trump enterprises, it sticks. He is for example, charging roughly 7x the going rate for office space to his campaign for renting office space in Trump Towers. His campaign staffers stay almost exclusively at Trump properties and eat at Trump properties, use Trump business services like payroll, etc. And of course, by running so many events at Trump properties (which he bills the campaign for doing, including the DC rick roll last week), he also gets to bill the media types who end up staying there/eating there/drinking there.

The sheer volume of revenue his campaign generates for his business is unprecedented in American politics. And while he will gladly tout that as proof of how good a businessman he is, the fact that he is jacking up the prices points to the grifter model, with aims on turning the US Government into Trump enterprises #1 over billed client.

And of course, once you open this conversation, you then easily pivot to discussing Deutsche Bank, the only major bank willing to loan him money to which he owes $650 million. This too, is totally without precedent in American historyā€¦not only have we never had a President (or even candidate) in debt to such large amountsā€¦he is in debt to a foreign entity, one that is currently on the line for $14 BILLION in fines to the DoJ.

Naa, this conversation opens doors Trump doesnā€™t want opened. I think we definitely win it.