Discussion for article #226118
GOP dilemma: Take credit for the drop, accuse Obama of lying about the numbers, or express outrage at his administration making progress without them?
What’s the dilemma? Republicans will just simultaneously accuse the Obama administration of cooking the books, while also arguing that the Obama administration’s report accurately confirms that Rick Perry single-handedly fixed the border crisis.
Also, something about how Obama has ruined our country so much that immigrant children no longer want to join us. And somehow this will also disprove the existence of climate change while confirming that trickle-down economics are awesome.
Obviously they heard about the ebola, tyranny and Benghazi going on these days and turned around.
D) All of the above.
Fuck it.
“We have surged resources and put in place an aggressive campaign to counter the rise of illegal migration into the Rio Grande Valley.”
I guess that means there’s a lot of unaccompanied Central American children stuck in Tijuana? That doesn’t sound good either. Oh, well I’m a GOPer it’s not my problem.
I have been left with no choice but to reprogram money away from other homeland security missions," he said.
Homeland security missions.
IOW, wasting money on snipe hunts.
Good. Put my tax dollars to good use for a change.
…I have been left with no choice but to reprogram money away from other homeland security missions
cue conservative poutrage in 3…2…1…
Now how did Obama yet again solve a problem. Begin to solve it anyway. Must be those under cover demos working at night steering them away with bags loaded with cash. Probably gave them all guns and they feel safer now.
Issa??? we got em this time. Start a 10 million dollar investigation along with impeachment proceedings. Somebody will crack like always. lol We know the truth, just need verification.
The season has nothing to do with it?
''We have surged resources and put in place an aggressive campaign to counter the rise of illegal migration into the Rio Grande Valley.
Average weather on the border at Loredo, Texas.
God it must have been Gov. Smart Glasses sending all those Texas Rangers to the border.
Well darn, what are the republicans gonna whine about now? Oh, right… August recess and they all left town…
Piffle, Loredo ain’t got nothin’ on Tucson in the summer. but of course it’s a dry heat (today was 102 degrees with rain expected).
Psst - You forgot Benghazi and ObamaCare for good measure.
Cue Governor Oops taking credit for the drop in 3… 2…
Makes you wonder how many dehydrated little bodies are sprawled across Mexico, doesn’t it?