Discussion: U.S. Army: Bergdahl Didn't Help The Taliban While In Captivity

Discussion for article #224373

Wait…so even the ARMY is now in league with the Kendonesian Marxist-Trotskyist-Socialist-Leninist Black Power Usurper in the Whites House to bring this clear Manchurian Candidate Bergdahl back into our midst so he can infiltrate us with TURNCOAT TERROR and bring about the raising of MINARETS OVER MINNESOTA?

Has anyone told Alex Jones yet?


You can almost write the RWNJ conspiracy crap, can’t you?

As part of an elaborate plan, Bergdahl intentionally left his post and got captured so that he could help the Taliban, and so that he could lure his fellow soldiers out to look for him, where they became easy targets.

When the Army says that there’s no evidence that he helped the Taliban, and that no soldiers were killed while conducting any sort of “search and rescue” missions for Bergdahl, we are forced to conclude that the Army is in on the conspiracy.

And of course the other piece of the plan was that Bergdahl would be released at a specific time in order to distract attention from something - in fact, from something that hadn’t even happened when the plot was hatched. So clearly the White House and the Taliban are in on the conspiracy, as well. Oh, and the media, too - all of it, except for a few brave defenders of truthiness.

It’s really mind-boggling when you realize how far this conspiracy extends.


I thought I just did that. :smiley:


Can’t wait for the musical. I’m thinking something with Nelson Abu Eddy and Jeanette al-MacDonald.


… Sounds more like another crappy Adam Sandler movie.

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These findings do not support the narrative I fervently wish to believe so it is therefore evidence of a conspiracy on a massive scale involving the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the entire Executive Branch, The Southern Poverty Law Center and some Jews.
I will retaliate by buying another gun and waving it about in a menacing manner.
I will also place another vaguely threatening bumpersticker on my pickup.


“Evidence?” What is this “evidence” thing of which they speak and what does the lack of it have to do with the truth of one’s heart, the knowledge from one’s gut, the certainty implanted into brains by the voices on the teevee and the radio and the websites with the courage to publish the Truth despite the current climate of fear and tyranny imposed by the illegitimate socialist election-stealing usurper?


He did help the Taliban. The evidence is that conservatives say so.


There where threats against this guys family because the right wing media accused him of being a collaborator without knowing the facts.
The idiots are going get someone killed one of theses days.


They already have, George Tiller was murdered.


And when it happens, they’ll blame it on LIBRULZ and the LAMESTREEM MEDIA for causing it by taking things “out of context”.

You know, like “hillary would probably be shot at the state line” was taken “out of context”.


You could certainly argue the Las Vegas shootings and at least one Sovereign Citizen fatal shooting I read about recently were at least in part caused by RWNJ rhetoric. Then there are the stand-your-ground-type shootings where the shooter was never actually in any danger—more rhetoric-fueled death. It’s just that the media haven’t figured out how to connect the dots yet.


Well thank goodness; now the media can go back and re-examine all of the false narratives and learn from its.


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Don’t forget to shop at Target after purchasing that gun. You might even think about having lunch at Chipotle.

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This won’t sit well with all of those chicken hawks claiming “treason”.


Not about “figuring out how to connect the dots.” It’s about an editorial policy, and mindset, born of thirty years of Republicans working over the refs. Any intimation that we may be developing a right wing terrorism problem in this country, that there’s any connection between the violent, eliminationist rhetoric emanating from right wing politicians and acts of violence by right wingers, any consideration of the possibility that the active coddling of extremists by politicians and media figures is out of bounds is all proof of liberal media bias and, whatever we do, we must not upset the old white people who are, after all, the only reliable consumers of of the news “product.”

And let us not even consider the possibility that the self-imposed editorial constraints are themselves the thing shrinking the market to a declining demographic, because, hey MSNBC has bad ratings and Air America flopped. Because clearly, simply reporting the facts is, in fact, the same thing as partisan slant, just like Republicans say, and, for some mysterious reason, the market for left wing partisan slant is a tiny niche market, that never rises above the handful of people who listen to Amy Goodman.


According to his commander, Bergdahl left his post. He allegedly went AWOL. The commander is not saying he deserted. He was captured before he could have been considered a deserter.

It really does boggle the mind. It’s the same with the climate change “hoax.” Thousands and thousands of scientists all over the planet have all dedicated their careers not to science, but they’re all part of global conspiracy to increase taxes in the US.


The GOP should investigate the quislings in the DoD who are exonerating this traitor, who should have been executed on the day Sarah Palin said so. Bergdahlzi!!!