Discussion: U.S. And China Inch Closer To Trade War As Trump Threatens More Tariffs

Get ready to pay A LOT more for EVERYTHING, or find it suddenly unavailable. Vehicle parts, clothing, electronics, EVERYTHING. This will NOT end well.


But trade wars are easy to win. Just look at how many days in a row the Dow has been in the red. O wait. Maybe that is a bad example.


We are privileged to see the world’s greatest negotiator in action … using his touch, using his feel - it’s what he does. All of the very successful, very strong deals he’s made on the nuclear, and trade and other stuff: Iran, North Korea - no longer problems; Canada, Mexico, Europe, the entire Pacific Rim area - U.S. wins on trade; Mideast peace, ISIS destroyed, Syria solved by agreements with all involved, better NATO deal; immigration, health care, income inequality - all no longer problems for the American people …

I could go on and on … but, my gag reflex kicked in on “privileged” above.

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And rural ‘Murcia will not be able to credibly blame anyone but Trump. Farmers are barely getting by, and they REALLY don’t want a trade war. Plus, they rely on migrant farm workers to work in their fields — want to bet they’re looking at what’s happening at the border and worrying about if they will have workers to bring in their crops?

Donnie is miscalculating on so many levels it’s head-spinning.

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Why do I have to point out that we are well into a trade war. We are not “inching closer” we are already engaged in one.

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I think its finally time for Stephen Colbert to give up on buying those cheap tube socks which are made in China that he used to bring up on his old show. He’s never gonna get a deal like that again by the time tRump is finished needlessly messin’ with our economy over what he perceives as China’s unfair dominance. Everything will end up costing us more. Absolutely Everything. And only because the man is a total idiot and doesn’t know the first thing about how trade works…

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What are you talking about? They won’t blame Trump. The people who have been effected, who voted for their racism rather than their own survival, when interviewed now, regretting their decisions because the migrants they hired have fled and no one picks their crops or works at their business, then admit that they would still vote for Trump again if given the chance. Old ladies who were taken care of by immigrants, now dying of neglect because they have no caretaker because they’ve been deported, would vote again to deport their caretakers. Rural farmers would could lose their farms, and that just pushes them even further into the base, because they’re angry and scapegoats are more convenient to take out their anger on than admitting that they were wrong.

Even the people who know that Trump is doing bad things to them, refuse to admit that voting for him was a mistake. They tell themselves that it doesn’t matter because both sides are the same, or blame bad advisers, or anything else so they have the excuse of still supporting Trump. Because that ol’ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid? For a great many people, below the physiological needs of food and shelter, there’s a more important level of hatred and pride. Their racism, sexism, desire to punch down and hurt others, and never admit wrongdoing, is far more important than life itself. And the more they’re hurt, the more they will desire to hurt others. They lose their business, their jobs, their houses? They’ll just feed on their need for hatred more, and hate the Other more.

The Economist did a piece on farmers caught in the middle of this escalating crisis— their patience is wearing very thin with Donnie. There will always be a cadre of die-hards that will vote for Trump no matter what. Farmers will decide they can no longer afford such indulgences. And, many of those farmers actually like their migrant employees— they bust their butts doing hard work.

It was either Georgia or Alabama that tried to ban migrant workers— the farmers couldn’t find anyone to work their fields, and they raised holy hell with their legislators. Those laws were rescinded.

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It was Alabama. The crops rotted in the fields.