Yeppers…so much for that old church and state BS. We WILL find ways around it with the State’s help.
A mandatory loyalty pledge in Texas. Who’d have thunk?
As a fellow speech-language pathologist, good for her. No one should have to agree to that as a condition of employment!
Talk about “over reach”! Yikes. Mind control 101.
What kind of odious McCarthyist b.s. is this? So fed up with the Israeli govt’s intellectual terrorism against BDS. They’re far more freaked out by a non-violent resistance movement than they ever were by violence, which plays into their ongoing slowrolling of annexation via “facts on the ground”. What’s next—laws against boycotting Trump’s buddies in Saudi Arabia? How on earth can these anti-BDS boycott laws pass any kind of constitutional muster?
It’s an old American tradition–mostly in, or inflicted by, the backwaters.
But wait a minute! They hate us for our freedom!
When people talk about a foreign nation meddling in our Democracy, I think they think of the wrong country. While Russians are hiding behind fake Facebook accounts, the far-right, racist apartheid-implementers of Likud operate in broad daylight…
I’d love to see that 2017 Texas law go to SCOTUS with Citizens United as precedent for equating limits on business spending with a first amendment violation.
Because they are bipartisan!
(Bipartisan, n, When both Parties partake in screwing little people for the benefit of their billionaire backers.)
Republicans… they hate the jews, but loooove Israel…
Institutionalized bigotry, the best kind of bigotry.
My Senator, Ben Cardin, is behind the Federal bill? Arggh.
Gee. Do states get a free pass to pick who they require employees to agree not to boycott? How about agreeing not to register as a Democrat or as a Republican? Or how about having to agree not not to buy Chinese goods because of the trade deficit? Or because they’re a Godless nation?
This is crazy.
And this is happening in freedumb-loving Texas.
Ck ur state. Rethug md gov hogan, and weak dems, passed a bill last yr, that state will not do business with companies that bds. I will not do business with my home state of md, either
md already passes such a bill, he is m sen too and is worthless along with van hollen
It’s 2018. Boycotts don’t exist. They are Personcotts now, so the addendum is null and void, and individuals can Personcott Israel or whatever they like without violating it.