Discussion: TX State Senator Says She Won't Be 'Deterred' By Trump's 'Destroy' Threat


I don’t believe the Republicans ever had that perception. It was all lies, slander, and propaganda with them, in anticipation of their going all out for authoritarianism when they took the White House.

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That person is Lust Object.


No, to find moral courage in Texas you need to look for politicians with ovaries. If you think of politicians recently taking a brave stand, you will realize that they are all women.


You nailed it. Time and time again, the GOP has shown that if, for instance, there was a law that required people to, say, kill their parents once they reached the age of 70 (you know all those old people really put a drain on the nation’s finances through those horrible librul entitlement programs), they would happily support it as long as it was a GOP idea.

Meanwhile, if a dem were to propose, for instance, a law seeking to aid retirees in their health care payments, they’d be generate all kinds of lies about it to whip up the their right-wing nut job base to point of protesting in the streets (good protests, though, in that case, not the bad ones that happen when libruls propose reactionary right wing policies). Huh - what you know - this happened when the GOP said the ACA would have death panels (man, about 50 times a day I’m reminded - this time by my own self - of what evil, pernicious little fuckers they are).

NOTE: I’d have used that same type of law in the first half of this example, too - and perhaps, though a kind of symmetry, made my point more effectively - except there’s no way the GOP would ever propose a law that helps someone (unless they’re rich enough to not need any help in the first place, that is).

The militarized police departments are addicted to and totally dependent on money and cars and assets they acquire without adequate proof that a crime was committed. The police and military are the biggest feeders at the public trough, and lead the eternal right wing chorus complaining about women and children who receive public assistance.

Well said. The only way trump tries to get his way is: insult, threaten, and then run away like the manbaby coward he is when someone who a) has even half a spine, or b) doesn’t want to lick his ass to get in good with him, tells him to go fuck himself.

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Uppity women don’t need balls. But a lot of weak men need to grow some.


Fortunately they make women extra tough in Texas (they have to be).

Spicer: She is a 0. Sir Trump doesnt want to grab her in any possible way. She must be a Democrat. We believe that women shouldn’t participate in our democracy, which is White Males only.

“Leadership” is just another word ignorant Americans like to jack off to.

And at any rate, we are past the literally/seriously blather

“That’s the way the girls are in Texas.”

Ry Cooder

Might be the best song ever written about Texas women.

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Except didn’t Il DouchĂ© just claim that he never kids?

In a similar way, when Wendy Davis stood up to Dan Patrick a couple of years ago, the Democratic state senators ran away from her as fast as they could because they were afraid to be associated with anything to do with women’s reproductive freedom. It would have gotten their parish priests and pastors mad at them, and nobody would name a school after them. It had to be a woman, either D or R; that creepy sheriff would never have spoken that way about one of his good ol’ boy buddies in the lege. Not only have the men in the Texas lege lost their minds, they have lost their cojones and their self-respect.

TX State Senator Says She ‘Won’t Beat-a-Turd’ over Trump’s 'Destroy’ Threat

There. Fixed it.

Everyone in the room was smiling or laughing like it was a joke, except for Trump.

Donald: “Nasty Woman !”

Sure, I can google it, but would’ve nice to have some info in this article about what this forfeiture idea is about.

I have noticed that republicans always think in terms of white males as the natural heirs.