She was warned.
She was given an explanation.
Nevertheless she persisted.
Well, gee, it’s great that the sheriff didn’t take Trump’s offer to destroy a politician’s career literally, I’m sure Trump would never do something he said off the cuff like that…
The Republicans spent eight years railing against what they perceived as an authoritarian government, when it looks like all they wanted was an authoritarian government that they were running.
At least one elected Republican has a spine. Good for her. (Assuming she actually follows through with this essential anti-plundering legislation, of course.)
When is an authoritarian government not an authoritarian government? When it’s your authoritarian government.
(thanks to Ben Franklin sorta of)
Well, finally, a Republican from Texas with a good set of balls. Rare. Sad.
He’s your GOP president, senator, not ours. I have no sympathy.
Aren’t senators expected to open their veins and bleed to death in the bath once they’ve incurred Caesar’s wrath?
The real question is not whether or not the sheriff took Trump’s threat to the senator literally, but whether or not it was offered literally.
A ha! She’s a she.
Rather than offer to make a phone call to the state senator in an effort to persuade the senator to another way of looking at the situation, Tramp offers the possibility of ruining the career of the senator. What type of statesman now leading this country, which has the greatest responsibility to guide other peoples, and nations, and governments to the wisdom of freedom, is this creature?
I’m ever so shocked that Zombie LBJ hasn’t risen from his grave and torn the man’s head off just for being the worst excuse for everything ever (and shitting on his civil rights legislation,) but mainly for being completely braindead about how to work his will on politicians.
“The one thing … that is truly ugly is the climate of hate and intimidation, created by a noisy few, which makes the decent majority reluctant to air in public their views on anything controversial. … Where all pretend to be thinking alike, it’s likely that no one is thinking at all.” ― Edward Abbey, Postcards from Ed: Dispatches and Salvos from an American Iconoclast
Oh gosh, I’m sorta torn on this one. She’s my state senator. She took Wendy Davis’ spot when she ran for governor. Davis was so much better than Burton. I’d love to see her out but I don’t think it’s fair to destroy her.
Hate to burst anyone’s desire to hand her a Profiles In Courage Award, but Burton is coming at this from the bat-shit, “black helicopter” wing of the Tea Party.
She represents one of the deepest red areas of the country where most people think Trump is probably not conservative enough (and there was a huge Trump-Cruz primary spat).
The various levels of right-wing nuttery in suburban Fort Worth could warp a black hole
Is she done with politics? She was so good.
I wonder if this will be a wedge longterm, especially as trump continues not to do anything the teahadis want done.
There is only one person Trump won’t badmouth and threaten. This lady is not that person. So, I’m happy that she told him to fuck off. And, Republican or not, she’s right about asset forfeiture. It’s abominable.
You sound surprised.