Discussion: TX Land Commissioner: Perry Could 'Pass For A West Coast Metrosexual'

Years back in a studio ‘house’ kitchen in Nashville, there were a dozen or so pairs of boots on a high shelf, seemingly as decorations. I asked the producer why and he explained that his chronic back problems were alleviated by the height of the heel.

A few weeks later I was headed to Austin for a trade show from NM. I stopped in El Paso at the Luchesse outlet, found a pair of seconds (small mar on sole edge) for half price.

Having done trade shows for a few different day jobs (years) I was used to knowing that by the end of day one, no matter the shoe, rubber based or leather, that my (our) feet would hurt even with deluxe carpet padding or floor mat, period.

To my surprise, my Luchesse boots did not hurt the feet, or cause a backache or blisters and these were brand new.

Anyone knows, you NEVER wear brand new shoes to a trade show (been there Rockports at the Mosconi, ouch).

Since then I’ve managed to buy two more pairs of Luchesses from the outlet, and retired to Goodwill, several pairs of dress shoes keeping only a few for strict business purposes that I haven’t worn at all for years.

Nope, it’s hand made off sale all the way and jeans almost everywhere because here west of Santa Monica, that IS as semi-metro as it gets.


Ricky can’t give up his boots because it’s the pair he’s been wearing all along, one says Freedom and one says Liberty, and that’s very special.


Jesus H. Christ, just when you think they can’t get any stupider…

There are so many things to complain about when it comes to Rick Perry. His footwear choices are way down on that list.


Boots, schmoots…Perry must hide the webbed toes…look for long Nixonian beach walks in Florsheims.


the dilemma of matching socks and shoelaces aside, isn’t Bush III up for the land commish job this Nov? is TX that big there are more than one?

You can’t randomly throw a dart in Texas without hitting an old, white raving homophopic racist asshole.

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That asshole is a poser. No self-respecting Texan would wear something like that on his boots. It’s a Lone Star or Alamo patch, all the way! What’s Perry the Fairy going to do with those boots after Texas secedes from the Union?

Texas: the Florida of the other side of the Gulf.

He’ll console himself with lunch.

He had just ordered a corned-beef Reuben (“I worked out this morning”) and a Diet Dr Pepper (“you got those critters?” he asked the waiter).

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Fuck-me pumps with cha-cha heels.


Now Governor Oops will have to pose with his gun for some new photos. His macho has been mocked.

Because we ALL KNOW that the only way to determine someones value is by a cursory scan of their outward appearance to see if it fits one of your shallow biases and gender-roles.
“What?!?! A good-lookin’ Lesbian? I thought they 'wus all ugly, fat Dykes?” and “Pretty-boys that’s got wives? Ain’t them all just Queers and Democrats?”
Anything else just confuses the hell out of the dim-witted shit-kickers.

I believe that the TX Land Commissioner has been drinking too much, and likely straight out of his boot–flask not required.

Okay, I spewed tea at that visual.

Perry is so gay. Nothing wrong with that so Rick come on out.

Meh. Tell it to Robert Zimmerman.

No mention of Rick’s Smart Glasses?

Texas: The Middle School State

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Yet another middle-school-minded boy calling another boy in the class names. Yea Tea Party. Is this all they’ve got?