To clarify, this is what happens when an elected governors VOTING BASE listen to hate Radio and watch FOX News, Alex Jones, etc. He knows the deal, but he needs to appear to be a conspiracy nut to get re-elected.
I will say such lunacy is usually expected for local politicians, it’s surprising to see a GOVERNOR putting this show on. This may actually hurt him.
“It’s a sad [sic?] when people’s greatest fear is their own government,” Pape said. “Think about the ramification of that. If Americans go to sleep at night worrying whether their own government is going to sell them out before morning, it’d be hard to sleep.”
Dear, sad Judge Pape has apparently never heard of a lil’ ol’ place called Wall Street. Sweet dreams, Judge Pape. Sweet dreams…
Somebody better tell those Texans that their state National Guard is subject to the orders of the President of the United States…and his orders override those of any governor in the nation.
It’s one thing that there are totally paranoid kooks out there. It is something else for a Governor to basically feed the paranoia. In fact, it’s stupid and inflammatory. Last time I checked, Texas was part of the United States.
TEXAs, That’s what PArt of THE world LIBtard. You Won"T Be laUGHIng whEN the UN taKEs your GUNs and LEARNING OBuMMERs SOCIalISTIC UTOPIARY in A FEMA conceNTRatioN CAMP. WOLVERINES!111!!!ONE!!!
This is the perfect conspiracy. When it inevitably doesn’t happen, they can credit their efforts for blowing the conspiracy wide open and stopping it. It’s the self-licking ice cream cone of nutjob endeavors.
I heard from a faux friend that Obama has the Texass governor targeted with a drone in permanent orbit following the gov. He could be gone at any time!!!
This is such an embarrassment to every thinking Republican in Texas that they booked flights out and are sharing a taxi to the airport at this very moment.