Discussion: Twitter Speaks To Bill Kristol In One Voice: 'Delete Your Account'

Discussion for article #229661

delete your account


Upwards of 100? Wow, alert the Times


delete your account

also, fire Sahil.


Delete your account = Shut Up Fool.


BillFuckingKristol has been wrong about every single major political event for the last 30 years.

He’s also a mental midget with a completely unwarranted reputation as a pundit—only conservatives are stupid enough to listen to and believe his fact-free “analysis” of current events.


I’m following interesting and witty tweeters

When he finds one could he alert the media?


Kristol’s idea of “interesting and witty” would bore the average kindergartner.


I think Bill’s telling us he’s following Michelle Malkin, Stacey Dash and SNL’s Drunk Uncle :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Why not just Block Bill Kristol or, Stop following him? It’s not like he evens see this happening (unless it’s done in a witty way).

“Some argued Kristol had already mastered the technique of “trolling,” Internet parlance for baiting opponents with intentionally obtuse or inflammatory nonsense.”

I doubt it.

I don’t think Kristol has the acuity and self-confidence required to be intentionally obtuse.

He’s obtuse only he can’t be otherwise. And he’s listened to only because he has lots of money.


Remember, he found the Grifter From Wasilla witty and interesting.


First, who on earth gives a platypus poot what Bill Kristol thinks outside of the Fox whackosphere? It’s not like he’s been right on anything or has any really original thoughts to offer that aren’t RW talking points. He’s kind of like Ben Stein, only with even less talent or presence.

Secondly, twitter is a really bad joke in and of itself. I honestly can’t understand the fascination with a medium that is specifically designed to produce off the cuff, ill considered posts that are almost always immediately regretted. Someone really needs to write an app that takes your tweets, holds them for about 2-3 minutes, and sends them back to you with a message that says “OK, fool, do you REALLY want to send this out? y/n”. If you press ‘y’, then you have no one to blame but yourself . . .


In the neocon community, Kristol is “King Pig.”


“I’m following interesting and witty tweeters, and ignoring almost all the mentions and replies.”

There is so much wrong with this sentence, I barely know where to begin. Suffice it to say, when Kristol speaks of “following tweeters,” it has the weird vibe of a stalker. But more importantly, I will bet a year’s mortgage that the second half of the sentence is 100% bullshit. Megalomaniacs like Kristol live to see themselves mentioned by others, regardless of message.


@BillKristol has no cred & remember Bill brought Sarah Palin to us! He was on Morning Joe with the other Fratboys today! When Koch bros. name came up when Dark Money was discussed, Joe talked over the conversation! These talking heads are toxic!

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To be fair, so do I, just for VERY different reasons. None of them intentional on her part.

One does not have to “follow” anyone in order to send them a Tweet.

“I’m following interesting and witty tweeters, and ignoring almost all the mentions and replies”

Because the last thing you’re interested in is the opinions of genuine Americans.

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You’re absolutely right, starting withhim being starstruck by Palin for months before McCain decided to name her VP candidate. My biggest question: The ;political news shows, liberal and conservative, have him as a guest arguably more than any other conservvative pundit/journalist. What do they know that I don’t?