Discussion for article #241698
Jeepers, Beev…
But since them Iranians are all terrorists anyway, they already have guns. sheeeesh.
This reminds me of the lyrics to my favorite Burt Bacharach song, “What the world needs now is guns, more guns. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.”
Totally moronic as is crystal clear, but he’ll probably net votes from jerkoffs if there is any public discussion.
Actually, Iraqi law under Saddam Hussein required all males to have guns in case they were called up for military service. How’d that work out Marco?
To be fair, it was a Reddit AMA, and the question was “Is there any way the Iranian population’s situation could be more dangerous?”
I keep hearing the Nervous Nellies of the Democratic Party saying that MARCO! is the one we have to worry about. I beg to differ. He cannot take the heat outside of his FoxNews/Teabagger/Sheldon Adelson bubble. He’ll melt like a candle inside of a Halloween jack-o-lantern.
Obviously, I mean look how safe and democratic Yemen and Somali are, with their high gun ownership rates and zero gun restrictions…
Is the esteemed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-POLAND SPRINGS) saying that without the Second Amendment the United States would be Iran?
The situation would also be quite different if Iran had a First Amendment. Or a Fourth Amendment. Or a Fifth Amendment. Or a Fourteenth Amendment. The situation would be different if Iran would simply adopt the American constitution. Heck, why stop there? The situation would be different if EVERYONE in the WHOLE WORLD would adopt the US constitution. Then the rest of the world could be more like the greatest country that ever existed in the history of the world, to quote IL governor Bruce Rauner.
My storm gutters are always clogged with leaves in the fall. I bet the 2nd Amendment would fix that. Leaky faucets, damp window sills, that pesky squeak in the clothes dryer? Try ***“2nd Amendment”***, it fixes everything!!!
[quote=“Harry_Truman, post:6, topic:27610, full:true” law under Saddam Hussein required all males to have guns in case they were called up for military service. How’d that work out Marco?
Don’t blame Marco – he has a heavy enough burden being a flipping nitwit. Iraq was no flipping business of USA and if we had left Saddam there, ISIS would not exist, Syria would be intact, Iran would be in its damn box…
Faux: This shows that Rubio will attract Muslim votes. Given his past support of Immigration reform, he is a lock for Mexican votes as well. This is a net positive for Rubio.
Guess who’s in the top ten of countries with highest per capita gun ownership, beside us at no. 1? Yemen, Iraq and Kuwait. It’s heartening to realize how much we have in common.
Does Rubio ever think or does he just sweat a lot like some cold inanimate object in summertime Florida?
And this is their boy-genius. This is the story that the MSM should be addressing…
However, something from 2015 pertaining to his ongoing campaign I fear is not in the offing.
Ah that is a beautiful song. Just like that other ode to how guns are the only solution;
Abraham, Martin And John
Anybody here seen my old friend Abraham?
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He freed lotta people but it seems the good they die young
You know I just looked around and he’s gone
What we need is more guns.
Gotta hand it to Rubio. It would help stem the tide of the population explosion.
Amen, bro. This guy is as qualified to hold high ofc as i am to fly an F15.