And thus allowing Marsha Blackburn to continue her mission of making Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin and all previous queens of batshit crazy appear as amateurs and pikers
Woman who imposes her values on others whines that it’s OK for her but no one else.
So, does not want Silicone valley pushing values. But wants to push her values on everybody else. Seems hypocritical.
Whaddya wanna bet Twitter was informed somehow that its most prominent “Brand Builder” might curtail or limit his use of the platform, or even undertake some sort of “oversight” investigation, if the Powers that Be at Twitter didn’t “Play Ball”?
They were afraid of the precedent set. If blocking inflammatory remarks is the benchmark, they would have had to ban Dolt 45.
See above.
Russia must have complained.
This kind of thing might be OK if Twitter also had a policy - understood and agreed to by “advertisers” - that they ran a crawl under such content, saying: “This is a lie, it’s false, you should not believe it or make any decision or reach any conclusion based on its content. It is fake news, if you prefer and understand that description. Watch and read real news from an assortment of sources, WaPo, NYT, Reuters, NPR, the Atlantic, Moyers, to get the truth. The person or group who purchased this advertising space should not be trusted in any way.”
Yeah, I gotta say this just doesn’t pass the smell test. At all. This statement from Twitter sounds really “off” as in someone went to Jack Dorsey directly and said make it happen - or else.
So with twitter choosing to promote these disproven lies does PP have a case for a slander/libel complaint, given the lies have/are being used to target them financially?
So, really, Twitter should be banning Blackburn’s ad for being libelous instead of inflammatory.
It wouldn’t be a credible threat. Trump is as incapable of quitting Twitter as he is incapable of quitting groping.
So if Marsha, Marsha, Marsha doesn’t have this claim in her ad what other accomplishments does she have to promote. And by allowing this claim to be advertised she gets to rile up the pro-birthers across the country for donations.
Addiction is a bitch.
But he’s more than capable of threatening to do something he can’t or won’t do. He’s crucial to Dorsey and the other Suits. Merely transferring some of his communications elsewhere would damage them greatly.
Since I’m sure they only banned the ads for good PR, maybe they were just looking for an excuse to grab as much GOP campaign business as they can.
PS-To investigate them he wouldn’t have to quit. He’s in control. They have to jump when he says.
@lastroth -The WaPo story said Marsha’s minions had retweeted the identical tweet 20000 times even before the ban was lifted. So she was promoting it that way.
Like I’ve always said, Twitter is for twits.