You don’t say …
People with too much time on their hands
Jeremy Bash said on Nicolle Wallace’s show yesterday that he wondered if staff made it for Trump to help him understand the big picture.
Truly weird.
I loved Trump’s comment about watching it on cassette, then he paused and said “iPad”. Ummm, 15-20 years in between there buddy. Moron.
They should have farmed it out to the Ministry for State Propaganda…What? We don’t have one? Well, I am sure that will be corrected soon…
Another example about how these guys don’t respect the property of others. Why bother to see if there is an actual Destiny Pictures before you launch into full scale butt kissing?
They have mastered the art of creating a Scientology movie. Or a great imitation of one.
John Bolton of murder Gaddafi fame was trying to indoctrinate KIm. Say it isn’t so. No wonder it sounded and looked like a Hitler production.
Has anything like this ever been done in the history of U.S. foreign policy? NSC staff making propaganda movies to persuade the world’s most oppressive dictator to make an alliance that will open his country’s markets to products branded with U.S. president’s name? Because that is what this is about. That, and replacing our European allies with an axis of authoritarian regimes – Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and assorted Gulf states. Together with the NKs’ claim that Trump promised an end of sanctions in the secret meeting with Kim, this makes me truly fear for our country.
Even Scholastic Books could’t help Donald understand anything.
Don’t they have better things to do in that agency?
Trump is creating his own Axis of Evil?
Triumph of the Shill.
the creative minds
Not how I would describe them.
An access to too much money at taxpayer’s expense.
Not to mention Schoolhouse Rock is above his level of understanding.
Fake Destiny…
Like what, comb the Bolton 'stash.
And yet it’s moving pictures and words, but not enough of Trump’s name, sad.