…and likely loses her seat next election.
“the young congresswoman has effectively lost any early momentum in the likely crowded Democratic field.”
She never had any early momentum.
Don’t worry.
I’m sure Uncle Vlad will get his boys and girls to secure the Green Party nod for Tulsi
Remember folks that GREEN =
It remains to be seen.
Well that didn’t take very long…
She’s the 2004 Kucinich campaign. The fringe outsider who gets some play over at Fox to troll Democrats and polls around 1%.
Tulsi’s campaign should head to dormant status soon.
Ha! Sweet acronym! Did you make that up or did you find it somewhere? Hilarious, but also worth remembering!
Who would’ve thought that a juggernaut like the mighty Tulsi Gabbard campaign - nay machine - and the overpowering force of Ojeda what’s his face would tank so early. Wild!!
Tulsi: don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
[can we be done talking about her now??? There’s so much else to focus on…]
Hold I am trying to work up a tear for Tulsi and her campaign . . . nope nothing.
Good. She shouldn’t have been dumb enough to think she’d go anywhere to begin with. What did she think was going to happen with her Al Asad love fest?
This gay man cheerily says: Bye, Felicia! Don’t let the door hit you on your way out to meet with Assad and Modi.
What, “Tul-mentum!” isn’t catching on?
Unfortunately we live in a free country and people are allowed to support whomever they choose. Until that changes you have to motivate people to vote for you.
Plenty of momentum. This article was phoned in from a couple miles down Bottomless Canyon
Bu bye Felicia’s!
“lost any early momentum in the likely crowded Democratic field.”
I don’t really see how she ever would have gained any. I consider her a bit of a clown.
Kucinich was a fringe weirdo, but I think his heart was in the right place. I’m still not totally sure Gabbard’s head is screwed on straight.