Complete. Fuckin’. Moran.
Q is reporting that Arthur the Aardvark invented the metric system and chemtrails.
And by “fighting” he means “whining”.
I guess they’re going to give up their guns, then, or will they measure caliber in some new unit that’s even smaller than millimeters?
Just the stupid SOB is totally ignorant of medicine
My doctor prescribed a pound of aspirin and 2 inches of penicillin
Then, in need of a dime, he sought change for a dollar.
Every damned minute of scientific research done anywhere on the planet exclusively uses the metric system to quantify everything they do. Idjit.
“How many pecks of saline have you administered the patient in 302, Nurse Williams?”
Yeah, that’ll work…
I guess they’re going to give up their guns, then, or will they measure caliber in some new unit that’s even smaller than millimeters?
Now this is ignorant: Gun calibers are mostly in inches (.22, .38,.45, 9 mm is an exception).
I’m gradually getting to the point where it’s not possible to take Fox – and it’s merry band of imbeciles – seriously anymore. Quick Tucker, how many cups in a gallon? Good grief.
And the tyranny of the new world order? The system was invented by Napoleon in the early 1800’s for heaven’s sake. Even the mother country has switched. Gimme a break.
Yeah! I’m with you Tucker! Damned right! And besides it would be hard to learn something new.
He’s right, of course. In trying to free measurement from the human body (the foot, the hand, the mile (1000 steps)), the metric system founders inexplicably tied themselves to the number of fingers. Total failure. I will accept no system of measurement that is not founded on a base 16 number system.
Tucker: Grab your club, and your wife by the hair, and head home to your cave,
After Brexit they may switch back,
Pol Roger is planning to replace their 0.750l bottles on the UK market with 1 imperial pint (= 0.568 l) The last mentioned is what Winston Churchil drank daily for many years, which tempers the “One bottle of Champaigne each day” slur a (little) bit.
“Mediocre middle-aged white man screams in confused, impotent frustration at another newfangled thing he doesn’t understand” was the rejected A/B title for this story.
I blame the metric system on fluoridated water…and comic books, one-world government and the Trilateral Commission and Jade Helm!!!11!!111! Argle Bargle!!!
And all NATO rounds are an exception. Except .50.
Because no one should be forced to multiply and divide by 10!!!
My Uncle Raymond only has nine fingers, lost one in a sawmill accident. He would like a numbering system with a base of nine, please.