Discussion: Trump's White Nationalist Backers Train Their Eyes On Elected Office, Admin Posts

Nugent gets the National Endowment for the Arts.


In his quote…the guy describes his Klansfolk as: “racially aware” ARGH. Eck…


When I saw that I almost choked on my Pho.

Any bets on how long it would take for this shitweasel to say something really nasty and racist but thinks that the “slopes” wouldn’t get it cause ain’t none of 'em speaka no English nohow. (When, in reality, they have MPA’s from Princeton)

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Sir, do you need an actual girlfriend or are you hanging around sheep pens for a reason??


And here I thought my love of circular firing squads would have to be placed on hold for a while. Let the games begin!


“Hello? Front desk? This is Dr. Ross in room 302. Please send up a chilled bottle of your best white Burgundy and a plate of freshly-cut grass.”


The vile emerge from the woodwork to serve their Fuhrer on the taxpayers’ dime and all we get is this burning cross.


Groping sheep. “When you feed them, they let you get away with anything.”

By the way, who the fuck grabs a p___y like it is a parachute rip cord, a lawn mower starter cord or a brass ring?

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I hadn’t read that, because I’ve been mostly offline, but it doesn’t surprise me at all.

Trumpsters are in deep doodoo.

To Republicans, diversity and inclusiveness means making sure the Aryan Brotherhood, American Nazi and KKK members feel welcome.


Yeah I guess we failed to coddle them enough so they decided to elect Hitler in revenge.


“All” the Alt.right wants, they say, “is a White Homeland.” (Heard at their convention a few months back after Hillary outed them all with her speech.)

And how is this to be achieved, pray tell?

PS Bannon is being considered as WH chief of staff


Or get on the wrong side of Duterte in the Philippines


Banon as Chief of Staff? Huh. He hates the entire Repub leadership (“c*nts” is one of his terms), with special disdain for Paul Ryan. He’s called out hate mobs from his Breitbart post on them. Would be interesting to see him try to work with congress - presumably would have to go through Pence.

One other thing - Trump has had a good, cordial working relationship in the past with Chuck Schumer. Might be popcorn time.

Just because Bannon doesn’t care for the GOP leadership, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like the CoS job. What better place for him to be a thorn in their sides. Going back to Breitbart would seem like small small potatoes.

Yes, the most qualified Republicans, some of who really are good at seeing both sides, are scared shitless to be a part of this barrel of monkeys Trump will bring in. So he’ll be relegated to having the scum of the earth (Bolton, Ghouliani, Ginrich, et al) fill in the most important posts and give real numbskulls like Pierson, Palin and Conway lesser post as senior pr flacks. Hell, he’d like to raise some dead ones too like Goebbels and Himmler to deal with non-Aryan types.

Rumor has it he’s heavily invested in Zyklon-B stocks lately!


We all know what happens when the right wing controls everything. They lose their shit and it costs us a bunch of money. We need this. The left needs trump. We have been getting complacent. What was turn out? 50 fucking percent?! I think we needed to get our asses kicked.

Uh oh, trouble in Paradise!

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Qualified establishment Republicans need to work in this administration, just to stave off disaster. Perhaps they can look at it this way: being fired from the Trump administration may be the best resume builder that someone could have.


“racially aware candidates” How’s that for a euphemism?