Discussion: Trump's War Against 'Mexican' Judge Shatters GOP's Fragile Unity

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The GOP leaders won’t make it to November unless Trump has a real Come-To-Jesus moment that sticks. I’m not betting on it.


Shorter Senator Burr: “There’s no problem here because at least he’s a consistent racist.”


Chris Collins (R-NY), a Trump surrogate, warned it was “time to just let go of this” and “move on.”

. . . to the next outrageous and racist thing the orange one says. We have 4 days of glitzy, circus fun in cleveland to deal with.



Trump thinks he’s bigger than Jesus, so everybody should come to HIM.


I love it.

Due to Donald “the draft dodging coward” Trumps infantile personality, he is mentally unable to ever admit that he is wrong. So, as the Republican elders admonish him, he just plays harder to the under-educated audience that elected him in so many primaries,

I can see that wonderful day in the future when we get to decorate the lamp posts of DC with Trump and his ilk.


Trump doesn’t think he’s a racist. His supporters know he is but don’t care.

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Trump: This is my anti Etch-A-Sketch strategy.
Romney: Worth a try.


I’m still not convinced that Trump’s entire campaign isn’t some sort of giant reverse-psychology c*ck-block-type ploy to get a Democrat elected.

It’s all a little too perfect: the instant, sudden and extremely shrill racism, switched on as if on cue… the incredible obliviousness, the unapologetic racism, the seemly gleeful ignorance and arrogance. It seems almost designed to attract and lock down the moron vote—like a giant spotlight attracting moths.

I think Trump could be a surrogate for mysterious powers-that-be, which have decreed that we are to have another Democratic president, and that is obviously Hillary. Bernie’s campaign has been another unexpected kink — but I think Trump set out to raze the right wing and the Republican Party to essentially hand the election in a silver platter to Hillary.

Graham is already saying he will NOT vote for Trump or support him in any way and will write in a name on election day, but does not say which one.

This is a party that is tearing itself apart as we speak. May it be swept over by a tsunami in November.


It’s the Clinton Foundation. This was essentially the plan in 2008, but Obama blew that up. This time around the planning was better.

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What a bunch of cowards! They condemn his words, but not his racism. They say they disagree, but still endorse him. They won’t endorse but will vote for him. A 4 year-old’s convoluted logic at bedtime is more coherent.


Chris Collins, you are not following Mr. Trump’s script from the conference call. You “supporters” are all supposed to keep calling that Mexican judge unfair. Until he gives up and finds Mr. Trump not guilty.

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I think Herr Drumpf’s Come-to-Jesus moment will be in November when he loses and has a stroke over it. then he will come to Jesus.

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I hope that last week, and so far this week, are significant portents about what the next five months will look like for Trump. If Trump truly suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, without doing the actual assessment on him, one can only point out specific patterns of the man’s behavior that certainly LOOK like they meet diagnostic criteria. As if more evidence was needed, remember the number one and two most highly correlated behaviors predicted by NPD are; 1. Aggression; and 2. Relationship problems. Notice his order for his surrogates to attack his critics and his on-going feud with the press, Trump’s personal acrimony toward a judge overseeing a suit against him, and his relationships with everyone from his supporters-not-endorsers, his own “not so smart” staff, to hopefully the majority of the electorate when all is said and done. I can’t read fast enough through all the new stories popping up on this site and others and continue to convincingly pretend to be working. It’s gonna be a long 5 months. Heh, heh, heh…


Time for the Grand Wizard to show his true colors… maybe he should just bite the bullet and insist that all his supporters dress in costume?

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“This is the most un-American thing from a politician since Joe McCarthy,” Graham said according to the New York Times. “If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it. … There’ll come a time when the love of country will trump hatred of Hillary.”

Tell it to Bernie and Susan Sarandon.


There’s an extremely good chance Trump loses these lawsuits regarding Trump University. I don’t know if there’s any insurance for this sort of thing, but if it’s fraud, I suspect not.

And as Josh has pointed out, his net worth is most likely vastly overstated. As such, he stands to sustain a significant financial loss - one that he probably can’t afford.

If that’s the case, then winning the Presidency - a long shot anyway - becomes of secondary importance. He may be struggling just to stay afloat financially.


Heh heh, good thing they lined up millions of GOP voters to help them implement their sinister plan!

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House Speaker Paul Ryan clarified Tuesday that he doesn’t think Donald Trump is a racist, with the Wisconsin Republican saying he was merely pointing out that the Republican presumptive nominee’s attacks on a Hispanic judge were racist.

During an interview with Fox News Radio’s “Kilmeade and Friends,” Ryan was asked about calling Trump’s remarks the “textbook definition of a racist comment,” and whether he thought Trump himself was a racist.
“No, I’m not – I’m saying that the comment was,” Ryan responded, according to a transcript of the interview. “I don’t know what’s in his heart. I can’t speak to that whatsoever. What I’m saying is to suggest that a person’s race disqualifies them to do their job is textbook – that’s what I’m saying.

“I’m not saying what’s in his heart because I don’t know what is in his heart and I don’t think he feels that in his heart but I don’t think it is wise or justifiable to suggest that a person should be disqualified from their job because of their ethnicity,” he added.

I think Ryan pulled a hamstring AND a groin muscle with those acrobatics.