Discussion: Trump's Refusal To Commit To Election Result Dominates Post-Debate Headlines

MORON fails to understand that, before the battle you pledge to fight the good fight -

Trump deserves to be PUNISHED with a landslide loss of historic proportions… followed by an audit that would make a colonoscopy a pleasure .


Go ahead and throw in the colonoscopy as well


This is EXCELLENT NEWS! FOR HILLARY!!! (No, really.)


May he lose in the biggest of landslides ever. May he have the opportunity to scrape bottom of the lowest of lows as the people of this nation reject him wholeheartedly. May he be forced to struggle with the decrepitude of his character.



A bully thinks that losing a contest is bullying him …



In the primaries, the GOP DEMANDED that Trump agree to support the nominee. How the fark can they possibly demand anything less from Trump in the general election?

It will be interesting to see how GOP Senators and Reps deal with this Cleveland Streamer that Trump so graciously handed them.


And the first word in every headline is “Trump”. Grrrrrrrr Why can’t it be Hillary shoots down HO’s Refusal to accept results, or HORRIFYING, Clinton calls it as Trump drags down democracy.

I HATE this godawfuldickhead!!!


Well Donald, that worked out well, huh?


Is reality working today? I know we’re all waiting for Doug Adams’ new series, but DAMN!.
Hi Mom!
Yes, HO has announced that we’ve all been drawn into a wheat thresher of doom because none of us are intelligent, productive, or capable of tying our own shoes. Personally, I make it a point of honor to abort at least 27 fetuses before breakfast. And that’s before I get up.

I think some of you get this, but you don’t unless you ask your Moms, Grandmothers, Sisters, and Daughters. Almost all of us have dealt with this humiliation. Women you know have taken being groped, and even raped (and not in the fun way) because “it’s the cost of doing business”. After all, going through childbirth is such a cakewalk, how dare women claim credit for making your life possible.

I’m sorry that I think it’s time that we address the fact that NO WOMAN is safe today.


Politico headline:

LAS VEGAS - There were two candidates on the debate stage Wednesday night - and both were intent on demolishing Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency.


To Drumpf: As ye sow, so shall you reap!

Has anyone explained to this complete and total fool that we don’t need his permission to accept the election results?

Hillary wins regardless if you accept the results or not orange one. In addition, she still wins even if you don’t concede asshat!

Your feelings do not matter. When the election is called for Hillary, you can pout all you want, but it doesn’t change a thing. Loser!

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Hopefully they will be dealing with it…in the unemployment line!

I don’t even understand why people give a shit about most of what he thinks, especially the election results. I mean if he was already Persident and refused to leave the WHite House that might be a problem, but whats he going to do, storm the White House, demand to be let in?

Trump was warned and told not to say it. Some cons are saying Al Gore didn’t accept the election results. Well Al Gore didn’t say 3 weeks out “I’ll let you know”. It wasn’t until we saw how close FL was that the whole mess started. If only we would have got a total recount of FL. So go blow it out your ear Trump. We must make sure folks vote and don’t think HRC has it won. That attitude can really hurt us.

Our country prides itself on the “smooth” transition of power. Trump has turned that upside down. And yes some of his most rabid supporters are threatening to storm the White House. I actually tend to think they are all talk and a bunch of pansies, but you never know.

I don’t wish injury or death on anyone, but all the 2nd amenders that thing they can take over the government using hand guns and rifles are going to be shown the truth like the Bundy’s were or worse.

Not to mention the upcoming lawsuits that will put a dent in his “brand:” Trump U fraud in November, rape of a minor in December. He won’t be able to finance them out of hi foundation anymore. SAD!