C’mon, Donnie’s doing all Reich…
Wow is this ever an AP story.
To Trump, the tough approach to allies constitutes a long-needed
reassertion of U.S. sovereignty following a worrying period of decline
in which Washington was too deferential, too politically correct on the
world stage and too trusting of global institutions to look out for
America’s best interests.
Without any “But of course trump is bugfsck crazy in this belief.”
As well it should. Trump has made a mockery of everything that used to make this country great. MAGA my ASS!
Mock America’s Great Alliances
(h/t George Takei)
Not only is he dismantling everything Obama accomplished, he’s trying to destroy everything good that’s been accomplished in the past 70 years or so.
Now that I think of it, from just about the time he was born.
Maybe he just really hates his entire life and he’s trying to take it out on the rest of the world.
Jack Crabb: Do you hate them? Do you hate the White man now?
Old Lodge Skins: Do you see this fine thing? Do you admire the humanity of it? Because the human beings, my son, they believe everything is alive. Not only man and animals. But also water, earth, stone. And also the things from them… like that hair. The man from whom this hair came, he’s bald on the other side, because I now own his scalp! That is the way things are. But the white man, they believe EVERYTHING is dead. Stone, earth, animals. And people! Even their own people! If things keep trying to live, white man will rub them out. That is the difference.
Old Lodge Skins: There is an endless supply of white men. There has always been a limited number of human beings.
Hi GOP - I know the tax cuts for rich people and racism is super important to you. But I know you like England and Germany better than North Korea and Hungary. You got your tax cuts, and middle class people will soon enjoy more smog and dirty water and crumbling infrastructure, so - can’t you just put Pence in there now?
I mean, we all know he’s just as dirty and collusive as 45* - but I think it’s time now.
Break up with that bad abusive boyfriend and go out with that creepy christian guy who just wants you to stay home and won’t use birth control.
you know you’ll be happier.
just a thought
S. Hortense Corvidae
I want the entire GOP to personally escort Donald Trump to the gates of Hell — and beyond.
My reasoning is thus:
They have a lot of their agenda accomplished. if Pence goes in, they get to keep it, while America goes back to sleep. Then, 20 years from now, they commit to the Final War and take the rest.
Whereas, if Trump remains, and keeps his same drunkard’s walk, there is a good chance America will remain outraged, and the people will stay active, and it will be possible to erase every gain the GOP has made back to the time of Reagan.
I don’t really want to hurt anyone. I just don’t like bullies.
Since Satan’s agenda and their own are similar, perhaps after escort duty they can all stay there.
It is well past time for the MSM to come out and state that Trump is Putin’s boy toy.
Every day and night they must ask their listeners if they are Americans or are they a Trump?
Do you believe in the Constitution or Trump as a one person ruler?