Discussion: Trump's Primary Endorsements Could Come Back To Bite The GOP

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Trump is like toxic waste, i.e. poisonous, garbage-like, unusable, and cannot be recycled. Can only be stored and put away for an eternity.


News Headline:

Traitor Bites Dying Party.


It’s going to be great that Kobach has to take 6 hours of remedial legal education in the middle of the campaign. I’m surprised they even fund that in Kansas.


The GOP fell down
Intro a circus ring of Trump
It keeps going down and keeps throwing up
And it hurts, hurts, hurts
That ring of Trump.
That ring of Trump.


Remedial education IS the norm in Kansas…



Yep. They desperately believe that they can “set everything right” by giving falsehoods the imprimatur of the government, turning it into operative truth. “Government says so, so that’s the truth.” Why? Because they also fervently believe that’s what the “leftists” have been doing to them for the past several decades, using the government to decree falsehoods into truths that run contra to or disprove GOP/RWNJ/white Christian nationalists’ dogma and then enact (or at least try to enact) policies based on those truths, which in turn threaten the GOP/RWNJ/white Christian nationalists’ agenda, not to mention the party’s very existence.

It’s to the point where I dunno if I’m just being a broken record stuck in a logic feedback loop. Every time I jump into the swirling whirlpool of the GOP’s ideological toilet, I find myself convinced that their existential crisis and the denial, frustration, fear and anger that go with it are what drive the maelstrom. Takes what…like 4-5 sentences to get there? Give me a limit of 5 and I bet I can find my way to it with any given issue at this point. It would be boring if there didn’t seem to be such a resistance from the MSM and elsewhere to actually accepting the obviousness of it all.


“Kobach is in a tight race with Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer ®, a more establishment candidate who became governor when Sam Brownback was given an ambassadorship in the Trump administration.”

US ambassador to Bankruptdystopianhellistan.


Worse. Ambassador for prosyletizing.

But yeah, I think this is a real catch-22. Every time something interesting happens to trump, the people he has endorsed will have to face questions about whether they approve or disapprove.


Not a Dying Party. Do not underestimate the viciousness of the American electorate.


… or the ubiquity of Fox News and right wing radio.


Fascists of a feather…


Love it. The Trump endorsement equals the Kiss of Death.

And Trump typecast in the lovable role of Judas.
Somehow the “betrayal” part seems apt!


I’d go with “vacuous” myself, at least when it comes to the deplorable base. They are only 39% (+/-) of the electorate, of which maybe 5% are “vicious” They rest are just illiterate or racist or opioid addicted…


Trump’s endorsement is unquestionably a blessing in GOP primaries. But even in red states like Kansas, his involvement might hurt his party’s chances more than it helps this fall.

I think this will be the story of this year’s election. There is no way to keep that man from campaigning. It’s really the only thing he likes about being president and it was probably the only thing he enjoyed as a candidate. Even if GOPers don’t invite him to campaign for them, he’ll show up anyway. And they can’t risk asking him not to come because he may respond with a tweet storm of hurt feelings. They’re stuck with him. And they’ll be stuck with every offensive, obnoxious, idiotic thing he says as he lashes out at the latest Mueller news and anything else he thinks he can use to rile up his voters. And with every bad poll or bit of bad news he’ll crank up the volume and the hate. It won’t be the least bit surprising if by November he’s just screaming the N word. But the real entertainment will be watching various Republicans squirm away and try to distance themselves without actually condemning him.


Thousands of articles published over the last three years, reduced to four words (25 bytes) with no data loss:

I know some people in data compression who’d love to have a word with you.


I just want to note for the record that this is the first time I have ever seen ‘stank’ used in a journalistic context and it is so perfect.


Trumpism IS the establishment now. If somewhere there are some non-insane Republicans who want nothing to do with their new establishment, there is another political party beginning with a D that they could support…