“One man’s molehill is another man’s mountain”
Come on, Spankee, help yourself:
ETA: The reason why Spankee is so wired up about this is because the sort of petty revenge which he is accusing Mueller of is exactly what he himself would do in such a situation – getting even at all costs, no matter how trivial the slight.
The fear is strong in this one. Feelin’ guilty bout something, Shitler?
I think you’'re confusing paranoia with run-of-the-mill narcissistic distraction protocol. He delivers the shit, and his supporters eat it up.
Apologies for being so graphic, but underestimating his only true strength, that of manipulation, is what got us in this mess. These tweets and all his messages are intentional, even if they arise from instinct. He’s not stupid. He’s a con man.
In trump’s case, he can be both.
Granted, but I’d rather focus on the one that’s a preeminent threat. This isn’t crazy grandpa harming no one but himself in the attic. Trump’s active cons damage the very fabric of our nation.
Trump would hold a terrible, lifetime grudge and want to strike back at every opportunity.
So, obviously, would everyone else.
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep.
It starts when you’re always afraid.
But, with Trump it’s always present and always has been.
(pssst, you’re a loser, Donnie, and everyone is out to get you)
Can you imagine the personal hell Spanky lives in? He obviously relives every personal slight, real or imagined, that occurred in his life on a continuous basis. Then he has to get “even” by any means available. It would be mostly his problem, but since 60 million idiots voted for him, it is the world’s problem now.
No, he’s not paranoid. As usual, he’s creating a fake reality for repug voters and the complicit media to use to undermine, discredit and ignore Mueller’s investigation.
QAnon reassures us that this is really Fake Paranoia.
This is manifestly silly ‘analysis,’ this idea that Trump raises these ‘conflicts’ because of some actual concern about the fairness of someone he’s having to deal with. It’s just something he thinks he can raise to disqualify someone he’s concerned about, and his audacity lets him gain some advantage from it. Trump, as his ilk, grabs any point, however limp, within grasp and throws it into an argument. The MSM’s willingness to take this seriously, THAT’S the major problem here.
It’s just golf, for crisake.
How many people has he cheated through the years? And how many lawsuits has he been in? And how many lawyers/judges/stenographers, etc., do you suppose have been involved? And of the people he’s stiffed at his golf clubs, how many of those people have lawyers who might eventually become judges? How many other people have been negatively affected by his bad character?
Doesn’t it seem like he has created a class of people who have reason to dislike him? If everyone who has reason to dislike or distrust him is eliminated, not very many would be able to preside over a jury, sit on a jury,or manage an inquiry.
Right, any adult, Mueller for example, would just join another club.
This is the situation exactly. Trump knows only what he himself would do, and he would be that petty so he assumes that Mueller would too. (At the very least, he thinks that it is a plausible way to dismiss Mueller, and is having trouble understanding why most sane people cannot just accept this as a reasonable idea.)
“He’s not stupid. He’s a con man.”
You nailed it, progress. Where is the like infinity button when you need it?
This just demonstrates how clueless DJT is. Mueller is going to dot every i and cross every t to make certain his work, wherever it leads, holds up. He is not going to let a golf membership jeapordize what will be his most historically significant work.
He is stupid and a con man…two pricks in one…
It’s a good thing for trump he’s not a believer. Otherwise he would be faced with the idea of spending eternity confronted by everyone he has wronged.