Great! Can someone also ask him about why he questions whether the federal government should fund scientific research?
…adding that he intends to pay the taxes.
So, he hasn’t paid them yet?
Uncle Rico says, “How much you wanna make a bet that he never pays the taxes, especially if he fails to be confirmed?”
This is what happens when you put someone who has no idea how our monetary system works in a position of power. This guy is a moron. He’s probably a Gold Bug
Mulvaney: "In order to be fiscally responsible, I will recommend that the federal government pay for nothing but the salaries of the President and his staff, the Republicans in Congress and their staffs, and for government events at Trump-owned venues. Oh, yeah, and the military.
Trump: I selected him because I wanted some to kill all of it: SS, Medicare, OCare etc etc. It doesn’t matter what I think of it. My job is to sell stuff and not worry about the product.
Let us consider that the most charitable spin to be put on this is that trump’s transition team had no idea what a crazy loser this guy was before they put his name forward.
Hard line fiscal conservative, here let me translate that for you, fiscal fraud.
He’s deadly serious about killing people.
Consider them raided. He’s a Republican. No amount of data will change his mind that Medicare, medicaid and SSI aren’t a socialist plot.
No one who is not a British rock musician should call himself “Mick”, least of all an American wingnut.
Merkley’s trolling of Trump through his Mulvaney question was epic. And check out Senator Kaine trying really hard not to crack up.
Sooo Jeff Merkley just showed inauguration photos during the OMB confirmation hearing and asked Mick Mulvaney which crowd is larger
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) January 24, 2017
Well…HE’S a smarmy lil’ ratfker, isn’t he? This is me trying to be upbeat!!!
Another turd from the tea party punch bowl. His understanding of economics is on par with the Bundys’ understanding of Constitutional law.
He’ll make a good scapegoat for Trumpp at some point. When Trumpp demands lower deficits and huge tax cuts, there will have to be “some idiot” fired for cutting the government programs that people like .
Corker: Trump said “unrealistic” things during the campaign.
Apart from slobbering over Russia, those “unrealistic” pledges on SS, Medicare and Medicaid might have been the only positions Trump was consistent on throughout the campaign.
Republicans would like to forget that now, and get on with the business of shredding the safety net.
It’s up to all of us to not let them get away with it.
Oh, and also:
Dear Trump voters,
Watch and see who’s on your side in this.
It takes concerted effort to be wrong about everything - this guy deserves some recognition for that. What a POS!