Discussion: Trump's New Chief Of Staff Once Called Him A 'Terrible Human Being'

That’s because he’s a — wait for it! — Terrible Human Being.

That’s what they do.


COS, I guess the money is good?

You have me there. I’m the Chair of an English Department, so it happens all the time!

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None of us should envy or criticize too harshly the man who just volunteered to be a handler for the Mad King. I wish him well.

Franklin Graham said of Trump: “He’s not a great Christian, but he is a great defender of Christianity.” or some such bullshit. I think Mulvaney et al, all adopt this, “useful, evil idiot” assessment as a way to both exploit and distance themselves (or pretend to distance themselves) from Trump.


Trump’s New Chief Of Staff Once Called Him A ‘Terrible Human Being’

If it hasn’t been said already… it takes one to know one.

The thing with Mulvaney is that he’s such a power-hungry piece of shit that he’d work for anyone that gave him the ability to corrupt agencies at will without any meaningful oversight. That’s about to change with new House leadership, but he’s a rotten bald-faced liar in the tRumpian mold in many respects.

Becoming Chief of Staff, even if its only as an “acting” one, may be a whole lot more dramatic but less consequential in the long run since he’ll be in closer proximity to that Orange Fuck but have no real authority beyond being another toadying Yes Man. Nothing survives first contact with the Freak 'n Chief as some kind of righthand man, particularly over any sustained period of time. Mulvaney is just a placeholder who’ll have very little to no major decision-making capacity unless tRump himself gives the green light to Mulvaney to further shred the Constitution…which you can bet, tRump will continue his utmost to do.

Mulvaney, if he hasn’t already been part of a criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice is about to enter the fold. He should consider a criminal lawyer upon taking this job. It comes in second to taking tRump’s loyalty oath and corresponding NDA.

Um. Please consider the applicable Venn diagrams of those in touch with reality and those who believe Trump is not a monster. It is remarkably hard to hire from the null set.

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I think we may be in a post-meaning world at this point, pols like Mulvaney and certainly Trump speak random nonsense and we assign meaning to it because we’re conditioned to need meaning. It reminds me, in a sort of backwards and upside down way, of this cartoon; reverse the order of the panels, substitute “What we think we hear” for “What we say to dogs”, and “What [skeezy pol of your choice] says” for “What they hear”.

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I’ve certainly always thought it can be futile to look for a strategy in what Trump does and says, to look for a rationale—it’s just a habit of ours to expect one. He’s not a thoughtful or very intelligent person, and he doesn’t plan or act purposefully that way. He makes instinctive, simplistic moves, and then reacts to circumstances.


I think “terrible human being” comes off as an endorsement nowadays.

So he got one thing right then.

I’m another fan of Kanopy. If you want, you can join the Brooklyn public library remotely for $50 per year and get Kanopy AND access to their huge collection of streamable audiobooks, use the Libby app for those.

Thank you for mentioning this. Our county library system offers it, and I’d forgotten all about it

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Huh. I thought it wasn’t available through the Brooklyn Public Library. Maybe something changed after it first became available through NYPL. Or maybe I’m misremembering.

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I checked first through the Kanopy site and it seems to be an option. Here is the Brooklyn public library site:

It’s okay. Maybe I wasn’t clear in my reply to mattinpa: I get Kanopy through NYPL. I posted the generic site because I was worried that if I posted my bookmark, the link would connect to my account.

Oops. I was wrong about it not being available at BPL at the same time that it started at NYPL. I first heard about it on WNYC, and they mentioned this article, which I immediately checked out and then signed up: http://gothamist.com/2017/08/03/nypl_bpl_library_card_criterion_collection.php#photo-1.

I love my library!

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Well i only posted the Brooklyn info because anyone (Matt, say) can get a remote Brooklyn library card for $50, and get benefits, such as Kanopy.

But we also have access to more libraries than we likely know. I think anyone living in ny state can get an nyc card, PA residents might automatically get a philadelphia card, too. Dunno.

I live in Chicago but buy a Fairfax County, VA card every year ($27) because the have a better selection of streaming audiobooks than we do here.

Oh. Interesting.

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Public libraries are awesome!

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