My first thought on reading “Trump’s Most Willing Lackeys” was that it was like having a list of “History’s Most Extinct Dinosaurs”, or “Fox and Friends’ Whitest Anchors”
Yes, and Trump is McConnell’s lackey, too…
Lackeys in lock-step.
Add the Republican party.
And Trump will appreciate not one thing any of these lackeys did for him.
So hated by Trump and despised by the majority of Americans. Quite the box they framed for themselves.
I think any Republican who’s not a willing Trump lackey would be a shorter list. Just looking out for efficiency here.
Don’t be pointing that finger at me, Corey! I don’t know where that finger’s been! (Although I can make a wild guess.)
History will have a strange place for Jeff Sessions.
He was a race-warrior who capitalized on his opportunity as AG to suppress non-whites. But, he was also a holdover from the pre-Trump era, someone who believed (rightly or wrongly) that he would be toast if he engaged in the outright abuses and institutional violations that Trump badgered him about relentlessly.
I’ve said before that I think Sessions’ reluctance to go full-Trump was out of caution, because he valued his post as AG and the unparalleled power it gave him to hurt brown people. What I find interesting about him is that it appears he never fully put his trust in the GOP’s newfound black magic whereby they can literally break the law in broad daylight and count on the protection of “the base.”
I think we’d be in a worse place if he’d been willing to take that risk.
Unbelievable, unreliable, unemployable, and unfuckable.
As evil as Trump is…McConnell is exponentially more so…
ETA Without McConnell, Trump would have been out of office and in jail by now.
Now employed en masse by Wraitheon, somewhere in the Phantom Zone
Any list that doesn’t include the Dowager Empress of South Carolina cannot be taken seriously.
Recall the Branch Davidian seige in Waco?
Virtually all of Koresh’s followers hated him. Yet they fought for him to the death.
Look at those lackeys. All white people. Where’s the diversity!?
“Among these are life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness”.
~Thomas Jefferson
“Government of the people, by the people, and for the people”.
~Abraham Lincoln
“Ask not what your country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country”.
~John F. Kennedy
“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f—ed.”
~Donald J. Trump
other way around.
DJT is McConnell’s b++ch.
Keep appointing judges Donnie and no one gets arrested in the Senate.
I expected all of these people to be toadies. Who surprised me was Senator Burr giving Trump the inside scoop. He suddenly lost all credibilty.
I very much wanted to make some sort of dramatic statement about William Barr, as in he’s the worst AG since…and I have to go with Jeff Sessions. Or should that be Whitaker? Not so dramatic, huh?
Hello from CA and what a beautiful day it is!
I was thrilled to see Barr’s flop of a press conference yesterday and have read with glee the nonstop bits of info contained in the Mueller Report. He and his team certainly provided some damning little details about Trump and those around him. I especially loved to see Sarah Sanders get her comeuppance. Life will never be the same for her again.
The MSM have been fabulous, btw. I think they, like us, have been waiting for confirmation for a long time.
Trump is effed, and judging from his tweets today, he knows it.
Happy, Mr. Barr? What a fine example you, as Attorney General, have set for the American people. History will not be kind.