Is there anyone of voting age in the USA that doesn’t have at least one pre-existing condition?
Would I be wrong in thinking that pre-existent conditions are perhaps somewhat rampant in Red States?
And terribly dumb. That was one of the most popular aspects of the ACA.
But his true believers may just be too dumb to realize they’re fucked. Hopefully, fence sitters and Independents won’t be.
Trumpcare! Better! Cheaper! Everyone’s covered! Easy!
Or not. Ass.
Some on the Left are just gullible enough to believe that if the ACA were to eventually collapse it would only hasten the implementation of universal health care or single payer. Neither of which would happen anytime soon. This country would have to hit rock bottom regarding health care before anything like that gets implemented. In the meantime, we’d get nothing.
Oh, man, we need to hammer this point again and again.
More likely trying to scare the insurance companies into raising their rates. Then the Republicans can point to that and say the ACA doesn’t work just like we told you.
Every Democrat running for office, working on campaigns, or just talking to friends, family and strangers, must make this a simple and effective part of their toolbox. “Republicans are taking away your health insurance for your wife’s/husband’s cancer, your heart condition or diabetes, your kid’s asthma, etc. Voting for the Democrats could save your life. Voting for Republicans will make your healthcare disappear or cost more than you will ever earn. And they’re taking away Medicaid from your parents and your kids. And making sure Medicare won’t be there for you when you turn 65.”
Oh, he and the GOP will top this one. I think it’s only a matter of time before Trump starts crowing about cutting “budget busters” like Social Security and Medicare. He’s too stupid to couch it in terms of “rampant entitlement spending”, like the GOP always does. Anyway, Americans already know when people start saying they are going to cut “entitlements”, they are really saying “your benefits”. The American public may be stupid about many things, but not when it comes to SS and Medicare, which is beloved beyond measure. Ryan and McConnell will be having shit fits trying to reign in the Donald while he is being given endless blowjobs by his idolizing fangirls Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan and the rest of the Freedom Caucus, who will gladly take down the entire Republican Party in order to finally stop this socialistic menace of welfare that they have been fighting for over 80 years.
GOP: “If you like your cancer, you can keep it!”
“But if you like having health insurance, you can’t keep that.”
Even tRump’s base may have second thoughts when it comes to the health insurers digging much deeper into their pockets.
The reasoning seems to be that the feckless Dems have failed to capitalize on the huge pent-up demand out there for really really liberal-y stuff. They didn’t serve up the really hot salsa and now everyone’s left their restaurant. That’s why Trump is president and the Republicans have both houses. Now, I see a flaw in this reasoning. We both do. Most reality-oriented observers do. But you go try talking to some people.
As someone with Diabetes, Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease, And recently Diagnosed with Skin cancer, Trump, and the GOP can kiss my hairy white kiester. The Dems need to get on this horse and ride it like they’re in the Kentucky Derby. Do not pass this opportunity.
Anyway, “cancer” is just fancy talk for “sexified”:
Oh, we don’t need the ACA. We can just mainline some more unicorn farts and use rescue inhalers full of purity potion!
There’s the other side of this: the republican war on the older generation. If you’re over 50 and not yet eligible for medicare, the GOP thinks you should get charged whatever the insurance companies damn please. That also strikes directly at republican voters.
“Look Marge, you don’t know what it’s like – I’m the one out there every day putting his ass on the line. And I’m not out of order! You’re out of order! The whole freakin’ system is out of order! You want the truth? You want the truth?! You can’t HANDLE the truth! 'Cause when you reach over and put your hand into a pile of goo that was your best friend’s face, you’ll know what to do! Forget it, Marge, it’s Chinatown!” – Homer Simpson
Insurance will pay a few bucks for a doctor to determine what it won’t cover you for.