Discussion: Trump's Lawyers Respond To Latest Offer From Special Counsel

It is obvious that the president has already made his decision. He will not come in for questioning. He will just keep up the facade that he wants to sit down with the Special Counsel, all the while having his legal team put on the show we have seen for eight months now. Delay. Delay. Delay. In order to water down the investigation.


No questions about:
(1) Collusion;
(2) Obstruction of Justice.
(3) No “perjury traps”!
(3) encompasses (1) and (2) (and for that matter, just about any question beyond “state your name for the record”).
It’s subpoena time, and that’s why Mueller went through this exercise to create a record.
The GOP better hope the SC doesn’t hold for Trump, because that would end the hopes of any witch hunt against a future Democratic President.


Giuliani said Mueller “knows the answers to every question that he wants to ask” Trump and speculated that the special counsel wants to “trap him into perjury.”

There is a very easy way to avoid “perjury traps”, just don’t lie all the time. Of course for Trump that is impossible. Lying is like breathing for him, he does it without even thinking about it.


This is the thing that I find so ludicrous about all of this: you cannot perjure yourself by telling the truth.

With every single repetition of this pathetic excuse, Ghouliani & Co imply, if not outright confirm, that Spankee is a pathological, chronic liar and that he cannot be trusted to tell the truth.


I have to wonder for some one who lies all the time if he can even remember the truth? Or is it every time he lies he is reshaping his reality, and so no longer can tell the difference?


Speaking on his radio show Wednesday, Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow again expressed reservations about an interview with Mueller, saying it would set a “bad precedent to allow just unfettered questioning on that process.”

Is this weird or what? The President’s lawyer has his own radio show where he can opine and spin to his heart’s content.

When I Googled Jay Sekulow radio show it was only when I looked at the second page or results that it was mentioned that he was one of Trump’s lawyers, and that was on FactCheck.org.


(AP) Former president Donald Trump reportedly will meet with Robert Mueller as soon as the details can be worked out.


Trump was never going to voluntarily meet with Mueller.

It’s subpoena time in DC.

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