No, Obama did not apologize to everybody. That is a lie. The top export of the WH today is lies, black as coal, unceasing, lies.
We are powerful BECAUSE of our friends and alliances.
Another distillation of Trump’s doctrine came from a senior national security official: “permanent destabilization creates American advantage,” the official said, arguing that leaving everyone else on shaky ground makes America the sole strong power.
These guys are such morons.
A senior administration official contributed “no friends, no enemies,” a quip that encapsulates Trump’s distaste for permanent alliances in favor of shifting relationships based on his moods and impulses.
If he ever wants to do anything, he’ll need friends of which he’s dangerously short on.
“we’re America, bitch.”
No surprise this is Trump mantra. Cadet Bone spurs, Pompeo, many others have made clear this is their arrogant Ugly American policy. The world and even US citizens should bow down before them.
Idiocy, repeated. Ignorance and idiocy. Bigotry, ignorance and idiocy. Selfishness, bigotry, ignorance and idiocy. Cupidity, bigotry, ignorance and idiocy. I could go on.
Appalling and dangerous. I guess this WH mouthpiece thinks they were being funny or cute. They are neither.
It’s really, “I am America, Bitch”. Ultimiately everything Trump says or does is to serve himself, even if most of his foreign policy is managed by (at least one) foreign enemy.
Another distillation of Trump’s doctrine came from a senior national security official: “permanent destabilization creates American advantage,”
Gee, wonder who said that…
At third grade recess, playing King of the Hill. No different from governance, right?
Captain Underpants?
Trump GOP: Home of the Whopper!
Soon to be: We’re a third world, xenophobic hellhole, bitch.
And just because it never gets old…
Therapist to Flag: “Show us on the doll where the bad man touched you.”
The core problem with this so-called doctrine is that it is what the drunkest, dumbest, and least worldly guy at the corner bar would concoct after his 7th beer. It’s based on nothing but unthinking, hot emotion and misplaced victimhood.
That any smart people in this Administration abide by this”doctrine” (especially in light of its similarity to the resultant disasters of Bush/Cheney) is pathetic and dangerous.
Another distillation of Trump’s doctrine came from a senior national security official: “permanent destabilization creates American advantage,” the official said, arguing that leaving everyone else on shaky ground makes America the sole strong power.
This is the political strategy of a dictatorship. Putin couldn’t have said it better himself. Wait a minute…
Actually, Canada is on top of the US, so who’s really the bitch, Dotard?
Sign your fucking name to this “unnamed White House parasite.” Let the public know WHO you are. Hope we find out … and you show your face on the street for some comeuppance.
I always found it amusing when the McMasters wraith would whine that “America First does not mean America alone.”
Nice call, HR. Nice call.
According to a Monday Atlantic report, a “senior White House official with direct access to the president and his thinking”
Obviously that was Trump himself.
I sure hope Mueller comes out with some indictments. Like tomorrow. I am not at all sure that we have the luxury of waiting until November, if the situation is allowed to continue as it is. My sense is that things are coming apart quite rapidly.