Discussion: Trump's Crowd Erupts In Applause When He Tells Them McCarthy Was Out

Discussion for article #241570

Trump also intimated he developed the Polio vaccine. Just sayin’…


Quelle surprise! A way to have a Drumpf thread on a day when there are other things in the news.

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Who’s “They?” “They,” as in your staff?


Please. A week ago he had no idea who Kevin McCarthy was and and I would bet 20 bucks to his nickel he can’t name a dozen members of the House today.


Trump also took credit for another big event that day…

“You know, I don’t like the dark. The dark is bad, We don’t need more dark. So imagine that, I come out and say that there is too much dark and what happens? The sun comes up! I mean, I don’t like dark…the sun comes up…I’m not saying it came up cause of me, you know, but I mean, let’s give credit where credit is due.”



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The world according to Dump.

Trump learned McCarthy’s name one full week sooner than his crowd. Sometimes it’s all you need to keep the illusion up.


MSNBC is now covering a Trump rally in Las Vegas.
The media will have hell to pay kicking their Trump addiction once he is out of the race.
MSNBC is also reporting that Boehner is asking Paul Ryan to run for House Speaker.

Apparently he has phoned him twice today to ask/beg him. So far, Ryan doesn’t seem to be moved.

Yes, the crowd went wild all right. Here’s their picture.

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I hate to tie Joe Biden to Trump but god they both have some shitty hair styles for guys that have so much money. That long thin hair combed back that stops just above the collar looks like shit. Can’t they get better stylist?

when asked who he supported for speaker, trump replied “oh, one of those guys, a smart, tough one. i don’t know their names or anything.”


The crowd went wild on Thursday in Las Vegas when Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told his audience at a campaign stop that Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had dropped out of the running for House speaker.

The GOP has become a party of Conservative nihilists cheering on their own destruction, and they don’t even know it.

It reminds me of Shaw’s Heartbreak House.

Or maybe Euripides’ Bacchae, if rewritten as a farce.

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What do you think are the chances that he could be persuaded to run ?

““McCarthy is out — you know that right?” Trump said. “And they’re giving me a lot of credit for that because I said you really need somebody very, very tough. And very smart. You know smart goes with tough. Not just tough. I know tough people that aren’t smart. That’s the worst.””

Fucking blah blah fucking blah. Dude should be using Rambling Man as his campaign theme song. It’s like getting a free bottomless word salad with every speech.

Leave it to the Tea Baggers to cheer anarchy.

I don’t know, honestly. I believe he really doesn’t want the job, not now at any rate. I said earlier, its political suicide, and he still has a bad taste in his mouth for being roped into being Romney’s running mate. Since 2012 he has tried to keep himself equidistant from both Boehner and the tea party caucus. To me, not taking a side and playing the neutral is a long way away from being an uniter.

But, Greg Sargent at the Post seems to think he will take it. And Sargent is much closer to what is going on than I am. A lot of other people are whispering the same thing right now. So who knows?

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