But in Canada! It’s a different story.
I wouldn’t have fantasized about her with someone else’s dick.
The bigger the win. The bigger the fraud in Trumpworld.
I am becoming increasingly concerned that she is going to dramatically outperform polls relying on LV models that are too male and too white and the over-performance will incite violence among gun-hoarding goobers who’ll view it as evidence of yooooge voter fraud.
Better class of national crisis than a Trump victory, of course.
I always thought she looked corpse-like. Not quite the David Duke level of corpse but … How the hell do you measure levels of dead-looking?
True, but any Hillary win will be evidence of said fraud.
No, not enough suffering for me. This is the best way:
Prince Humperdinck: First things first, to the death.
Westley: No. To the pain.
Prince Humperdinck: I don’t think I’m quite familiar with that phrase.
Westley: I’ll explain and I’ll use small words so that you’ll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon.
Prince Humperdinck: That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me.
Westley: It won’t be the last. To the pain means the first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles. Then your hands at the wrists. Next your nose.
Prince Humperdinck: And then my tongue I suppose, I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don’t mean to duplicate tonight.
Westley: I wasn’t finished. The next thing you will lose will be your left eye followed by your right.
Prince Humperdinck: And then my ears, I understand let’s get on with it.
Westley: WRONG. Your ears you keep and I’ll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, “Dear God! What is that thing,” will echo in your perfect ears. That is what “to the pain means.” It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.
Prince Humperdinck: I think you’re bluffing.
Westley: It’s possible, Pig, I might be bluffing. It’s conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I’m only lying here because I lack the strength to stand. But, then again… perhaps I have the strength after all.
[slowly rises and points sword directly at the prince]
Prince Humperdinck: [Humperdinck’s mouth hangs open, drops sword to floor]
[quote=“ncsteve, post:28, topic:46404, full:true”]You will see him contesting the election through December at least.
I agree he’ll be flapping his mouth about it for some time to come.
However, contesting must be done at the state level, and the rules for contesting the results vary from state to state (e.g., how close the count has to be for a recount); if the results are decisive enough in a sufficient number of states to guarantee Hillary’s victory, there’s not much he can do other than bellow and gnash his teeth along with his slavering hordes.
And we will be able to ignore him, as he will rapidly become boring and irrelevant.
Trump is a Traitor. He is using the language of “criminal” and “traitor” to deflect his treasonous nature eg “I’m rubber, you’re glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”
Simple Definition of traitor : a person who is not loyal to his or her own country, friends, etc. : a person who betrays a country or group of people.
It’s hard not to see Trump as an out-and-out traitor who should be thrown in jail. The damage he has done to our country for his own selfish gain is unfathomable.
Agree 100% – especially about the state by state challenge.
I firmly believe that Hillary will out-perform the polls, and that Trump will under-perform the polls.
The reasoning is pretty simple—Hillary has a deep, professional, and strong ground game with an unbeatable GOTV program. That’s how she banked all those early votes, and that’s how she’ll win.
Trump, on the other hand, has bupkis—unless you count hubris and lies.
The real key will be the down-ticket races and the state legislature races.
The Senate looks pretty good for Democrats—Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire are all possible or certain Dem pickups.
They only need four.
Despite all the hand-wringing and bed-wetting from the left, and despite the relentlessly negative media coverage—Hillary and the Democrats are panicking, Obama is desperate to get her elected, and so on—I’m pretty sanguine about the outcome on Tuesday night.
My rational side is, too. My emotional side wants to hide under the covers until Tuesday night. LOL.
Don’t forget the most recent, Labor Dept finding of illegal labor practice regarding failure to recognize legally elected union ant Trump’s Las Vegas hotel. And, the hits just keep on coming.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." – Voltaire
Thankfully grabbing a stranger’s genitals isn’t a crime, or Clinton would be able to say the same thing about Trump.
Trump’s projecting again.
"Two former aides to N.J. Gov. Christie convicted in ‘Bridgegate’ scheme” WaPo
'Fox Host: Report On ‘Likely’ Clinton Foundation Indictment ‘Was A Mistake’ ‘ TPM
'How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money’ NYT
But what about the emails Goddamit! What the hell is wrong with you people?! Trump has people skills!!!
Wonder if he’ll be asked about election contesting by reporters as he is walking into one of his criminal court dates in December.
I just want to
- hear this frigging thing is over
- have trump to lose to a girl and thereby mortally wound his ego.
- Hear Blitzer say trump lost 400 to 138. Trump will whine and go off on the Electoral College and how the Constitution rigs elections.
4 hear that trump tower has structural defects so profound it must be torn down post haste for the good of NYC.