And the hostile intelligence service in question is called GRU.
And it took Director Pompous this long to figure that out? Not much central intelligence there, I guess.
And the hostile intelligence service was used and praised by the t rump campaign just a short time ago. Wikileaks was on their side. They loved wikileaks.
This makes me wonder if there might be a new document dump that paints a very unfavorable image of t rump and the republican party quite soon. They are distancing themselves in advance.
Oh man, the coming Glenn Greenwald hysterical primal shriek of scorn over this obvious truth from the hard right head of the CIA ought to be priceless.
Remember Trump said: "I love Wikileaks’ So our Prez gets his news from a hostile intel service and Fox News. Got it. Now, where’s my depression meds?
Anyone hear this? Concrete and corroborated evidence of collusion?
I’m guessing that this is a signal they’re going to hack wikileaks and take revenge on all the whistleblowers who sent anything there under the mistaken impression that the site occasionally did good things.
Go ahead, Mike. Give that Wikileaks the scolding they deserve. I feel safer already.
OT but a dude on a United flight from Houston to Calgary opened an overhead and a scorpion fell out and stung him. Karma, man.
Was the scorpion overbooked? Asian?
No word—my guess it was a corporate executive traveling incognito.
Hannity: WTF man!
Trump thinks the library is a hostile intelligence service.
“Wikileaks is a hostile intelligence service” according to the CIA, which is funny because that’s what Trump thinks about the CIA.
Yes, it also says that a large number of people knew and reported their concerns to the FBI who slow walked the investigation for more than a year until after the election. Comey did not dedicate resources until after the election when it was too late.
Also the GCHQ guy, Sir Robert, is reporting that Trump’s main problems with the Russians stem from real estate losses incurred in the 08 bust that “linger” still. He says real credit dried up for Trump and he went East for the cash, he got it.
fuck you pompeo, it got you your newest government job, it helped put putin’s choice for preznit in the white house,
so what the fuck will you do about it?
I expect to hear crickets since it has benefited you directly, you and your administration have ZERO credibility, your words have no value
EDIT: saw this on Raw Story, quoting Pompeo, what does it say about the current occupant of the white, er pink, house
‘“I’m quite confident that if Assange had been around in the 30s and the
40s and the 50s, he would have found himself on the wrong side of
history,” Pompeo said. “We know this because Assange and his ilk make
common cause with dictators today.”’
“Trump’s CIA Director: Wikileaks Is A ‘Hostile Intelligence Service’”
He went on to say, “Except, of course, when it furthers our interests, which come ahead of the interests of the nation.”