Discussion: Trump Would Deport 'Criminal Illegal Immigrants' In First Hour Of Presidency

59 minutes of trials by jury, and an Executive Order in the 60th?

Then who will be First Lady? Ivanka?

Deportation Force! #JanBrewer’sTwinSister blows right by that pronouncement.

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Everything about Trump’s candidacy is adolescent, rinkydink, and unprofessional, this ridiculous declaration and such things as that godawful silly letter from his doctor included. I think his run for the nomination was a lark. He didn’t expect to get the nomination, much less actually do the highly complex job of being president, so now he’s doing and saying any fool thing he can to make sure he won’t get elected. He’ll go down in history, of course, but as a laughingstock.

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Thanks for this info. I sincerely wouldn’t want to accuse a generally honest person of doing something as heinous as voter fraud, but considering this man foments such hate and disseminates a hell of a lot of disinformation about such topics as … voter fraud, he fully deserves all of this harsh sunlight. Let it be a lesson to the other Bannon and Coulter types to clean up their acts.

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Snark is something that the Brownshirted Drumpf supporters do not understand.


I’ve believed for quite a while that Dishonest Don has long since forgotten whatever he might have known about the Constitution, if indeed he ever knew anything about it at all. The idiot is a menace.

Businessmen often seem to forget that government is not just a business with more 0’s in the budget. When Gary Johnson decided to run for Governor of New Mexico, Bruce King was the incumbent. I used to joke that he got the name and the office mixed up when he decided to run – that he thought he was running for King rather than Governor. His behavior in the Roundhouse bore that attitude out. He was reprimanded not once, but twice by the New Mexico Supreme Court for having exceeded the limits of his Constitutional authority.


In his now famous interview with Hannity, Trump mentioned that the Chinese built a 2000 mile wall. The implication was that it worked out fine for the Chinese. If that is what he meant, then he knows as little history as he knows about the Constitution. The Mongols invaded despite the 2000 mile wall, and they took over China.

What a putz.


Thank you so very much for this link! I just today mailed off my application for an absentee ballot. This form was the form the Crosschecks program designed and Virginia uses. This article has me very angry with the way Virginia has been handling voter rolls. Even a Charlottesville resident got mentioned in Rolling Stones’ article. GD, I sincerely hate Republicans – I really mean that!! - They can’t win anymore without massive cheating scams.

Please, TPM, shout about this loud and clear! The people need to know about this massive (stealth) undertaking.

Again, thank you. This pisses me off so much. Charlottesville is a heavily minority city. Even I (a white male) have a fairly common name – I’m half expecting trouble to arise now that I’m requesting absentee due to disabilities. In the past, I’ve always made it to the polling place, but some years it was a real struggle. I don’t want to miss this one. :rage: <----- Go to HELL, Republicans!!!

Edit to add: Everyone, please read this article. It’s really a massive fraud campaign by the Republicans and involves many millions of voters. I am going to email a link to my registrar here in Charlottesville, VA. This is fucking outrageous.

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Why mince your words? I’m guessing you meant “What a scum-sucking, festering pile of abhorrent Republican values”.
Is that closer?


Unfortunately, this election season has made us realize the English language does not have enough words to fully describe a “a scum-sucking, festering pile of abhorrent Republican values.” :angry:


As Leo Rosten notes in *The Joy of Yiddish", one of the great things about it is its economy. Rather than saying, “What a festering, scum-sucking sack of abominable Republican values”, one can simply say, “Wie ein goyische putz.”


Seconded. Thank you @albesure for the link. The article is well worth a couple minutes of your life.


AZ is on it’s 3rd "businessman as governor. One was “asked to leave” office when he got caught embezzling money from his inaugural fund and using it to prop up his car dealership (yes we elected a used car dealer). Another was sent off to prison due to crooked real estate dealings with Charlie Keating (McCain’s career was nearly destroyed in this). Now we have the former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery in office. He’s a real piece of work. So my take on businesspeople as office holders is not a good one.


And that wall was built over several centuries and in many overlapping sections across its thousands of miles.

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Agreed. My question is, in addition to all of the wrong matches, even if it worked right wouldn’t you have matches for the same person who moved between elections? I certainly have never had my name removed from a voter roll from a state when I moved away, but have always religiously registered soon after i moved. I suppose that’s what the cute little cards are supposed to check, but that just isn’t good enough. I miss stuff in the mail all the time just because I’m not very good at staying on top of things anymore. Yes, anger is the response. More like rage.

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My concern is why hasn’t there been a judgment by a court of law against these action? Clearly, the actions are against our existing watered-down shit – then why haven’t they been smacked hard by any judge? Why hasn’t a federal judge forced at least one of these ass-hattery states (this includes my home state of VA, where we are still by the GOP in Richmond) to actually dismantle their system, comply with law–and show proof of doing so–and make an example so others will follow? This is really really disturbing to me. On so many levels.

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Now I haz a sad, Darr. I used to like Cold Stone. Now I can never, ever, go back.

Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s great to make it as easy as possible for people to vote. But “mental intent” is so vaporous, so ethereal, that it doesn’t really serve as a guideline. I would hope that they at least require an address that they actually reside at, to prevent the kind of carpetbagging that goes on with taxes. Trump’s advisor is clearly using Florida to escape the income taxes in the states he actually resides in.

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