Nursing note, 2:30 p.m.
“Need to call Woodward, tell him staff refers to pt. as ‘Donald the Terrible Two.’”
“You’re gonna need a bigger rubber room.”
Men’s Depends change in the Oval Office.
So, it seems Conway is as insufferable off camera as she is on. I guess good for her for being ‘honest’?
Funny how frequently the sentiment leaks out that those who work with him consider it like working with a child - a bratty, obstinate, inattentive child. For some reason the leaked tantrum that Trump had at his new bff Paul Manafort always comes back to mind: “So you think I’m a Baby, Paul!” (or something like that),
These books are getting old already. It’s [retty clear what we’ve had sitting in that office from the start. That the enablers are still in there enabling simply illustrates how much there is to steal. No other reason they’re there.
Winston Churchill once said of John Foster Dulles: "He’s the only bull I know who carries his own china closet with him."
The same could be said of Donnie.
I guess this week is not going to be the week I cut down on the news I watch…
How could you?
It’s Infrastructure week
The truth hurts. THIS book is from Woodward, one of the men who took down Nixon. The timing is great for Woodward and terrible for Trump. It publishes on Sept. 11th. Trump may wish Mueller was speaking to distract from Woodward.
The truth hurts when you are an ignorant, narcissistic moron and the people of the entire USA are too slowly coming to understand why the people of new York City hate your guts.
“fucking idiot” indeed.
The longer they stay, the bigger the advance on their tell-all book.
If I’m not mistaken “Lies, contradictions and mercurial mood swings” appear on both Mango Mussolini’s curriculum vitae and standardized psychological assessment.
The good news out of this is that at least Trump is an excellent representative for his core. “Crazy town” is cruising in the zone for them.
I doubt Trump can even wrap his head around the fact that even his inner-most staff finds him ignorant and insane.
I think it’s pretty great for the Democrats, too.
It remains a mystery to me that the likes of John Kelly stick around. Why do the worst job of your career when you’re 68 if you’re not skint?
Fear the next guy will be worse, will be less effective.
I have little to no doubt that John Kelly is a racist, that he’s authoritarian-curious, that he’s fuck-you-I-got-mine through and through. Be that as it may, I think his fear about the outbursts of the toddler-in-chief, that holy shit this guy might launch WW3 because he’s crazy, that fear is every bit as real as yours or mine.