Discussion: Trump Won't Stop Bashing 'Shackles' Paul Ryan And John McCain

Yo dude if you’re going to use anti war themes at least pick the correct anti war themes. The Killing Fields refer to the Khmer Rouge’s mass graves for their own people that the Khmer killed during the Cambodian Civil War 1975-1979.


As I follow this debacle we are calling an election cycle, I find myself suffering from bouts of either hysterical laughter or hysterical crying. I am more and more afraid each day that this nation has lost its mind, especially when I see the way Trump carries on and his fan base in the GOP egg him on to more. I saw the woman at the Pence rally calling for revolution - and not the kind Pence was talking about, but a real guns and killing revolution. Only a few people agreed with her in the crowd, but it only takes a few to start a civil war. And that would probably be just fine with Bannon, Conway, and Trump. Even our own American Revolution was started by a handful of men in Boston. Imagine that in every major city in the US, and you can begin to understand the danger.

Trump threatened to jail Clinton on Sunday night if elected. I assume he will do the same to any politician who does not support his agenda if he were elected. If enough civil disruption occurred in the nation after his election, he has the Presidential authority, thanks to Bush Jr., to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and disband Congress. I do not think he will win, but you can be sure his pals Bannon and Conway know what Bush Jr. left behind for him if he does. That he now in his paranoia has targeted the GOP in the House and Senate who do not support him, you can be assured that his election would be nothing short of war.

It was refreshing the other night to hear one of the MSNBC anchors take the media to task for its part in allowing for the rise of Trump and the degeneration of the GOP by failing to do actual investigative news reporting for the last 2 decades. I now wonder if people like Ryan and McConnell are wondering if perhaps by being so obstructive of Democrats and the President, they may have allowed for the rise of this lunatic and the Tea Party. They thought Cruz was bad, but this orange beach ball filled with nitro and hot air is far worse. And, they gave these far right nuts access to the party structure that their party predecessors never did. I guess it is true - you reap what you sow - and now the GOP and the media are reaping what they sowed for the last 16 years. Sadly, the American democracy they all depend on may go down the tubes because of it

People, please, please, get out and vote on November 8th to keep this madman out of our WH. Get your friends out to vote to keep him out. If we get complacent and don’t vote because someone else will do it for Clinton - we may still very well lose our nation. VOTE!


I did an image search for “Trump in straitjacket”, picked one of the results, and found that it came from a TPM comment!

Hat tip to professorpoopypants


This is the problem. The only reason Trump’s base is turning on establishment Republicans is that they’re viewed as being as bad as the Democrats (who are viewed as globalist elitists who want to bring down America, and everything Democrats do is, by definition, in service of this diabolical cause). There is no reasoning with these people, since they’re resistant to facts and logic. (I’ve tried with several relatives on Facebook, and it’s truly a lost cause.) Trump empowered these people, moving them from fringe to mainstream, and it won’t be easy to put the genie back in the bottle.


Your freak flag. Let it fly.

Nothing more pathetic than a person who believes his own bullshit. Sure, right, HO- you are going to win. Whatever.


Don’t worry- the “revolutionaries” would shit their pants if confronted with a gun that doesn’t agree with them.

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You know the train is off the rails when O’Reilly is trying desperately to tamp down the crazy.

He tried numerous times to reign in Trump in that interview and just couldn’t do it. He tried to steer him off the scorched earth policy of trashing other elected Republicans - couldn’t do it. He tried to point out to Trump that Trump needs these people in the house and senate if he wins - Trump rolled right over that.

I was laughing the whole time. Delicious.

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He’s still coasting on the “14 million votes I won in the primary”.

Got news for you Donald - you’re going to need more than that to win the presidency.

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Loopholes !

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He is in one now. He just doesn’t know it.

So… Just so I’m not wildly off base: is John McCain known for having a fowl mouth in the Senate?

I would assume it’s just Trump hyperbole, because I’ve never heard this, and whatever my political difference with McCain, I’ve never had cause to doubt his statesmanship and class.


… and the same crowd that went after Hillary so mercilessly for “standing by her man” for her own gain will surely look the other way when it comes to Melania, who is in a tough spot but will “stand by her man” for the same reasons …

A) at least she knows not to flirt with nuclear war, B) she is a highly capable administrator, C) she shows every sign of being willing to take wise counsel, aside from D) having a lot of both class and grit and the respect of other governments. Not of which The Donald is capable of doing.

You’ve nailed it here. Trump is not different in substance from the conservative, profit-hungry billionaires of his class and their minions, only in style. I might add to your list: his clearly stated promise (early on, but muffled by the brouhaha which he creates around himself) to help the rich grow even richer, even while yet another Trump casino goes down (wonder why?) and everyone gets stiffed… “Business as usual,” Trump shouts. You better believe it! “Chumps for Trump!”

“Barely a Republican” … The GOP has created this monster, stood by while it grew and grew, and now wants to disown it because he is inadvertently blowing their cover and showing how morally, ethically and politically bankrupt the modern GOP actually is.

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In my limited happy hour experience, a simple, “Who hired that immigrant illegally?” is enough to shut them up for 10 seconds while the gears turn.

I’m telling you Hillary can probably just sit back, relax and let Trump continue to self destruct and hopefully just ride the wave into the WH! And man I hope it washes the R shit out congress too so she can really get stuff done.

The call was coming from inside the house!