Discussion: Trump Won't Stop Bashing 'Shackles' Paul Ryan And John McCain

Trumpo Unchained!

Grrrrr… smash!


Can he get McCain to endorse Hillary? Maybe there is a big side bet somewhere that Trump is trying to win.
I mean… why not?!


OK Mister, thats enough! Time out right NOW! Go to your room!

(Sometimes you just have to be firm with them.)


Djonald Unchained

(saw it elsewhere)


I wouldn’t want to be in a foxhole with a lot of these people, that I can tell you, including Ryan.

Draft dodger Donald has extensive experience with foxholes.


Unhinged. Even more than he already was, and that’s saying something.

Such a nice party you have here, GOP, it would be a shame if something happened to it…


That’s excellent!


Ouch! :slight_smile:


With Thanks to Tom Tomorrow


and failing to note that McCain was a pilot and probably didn’t see a foxhole after basic training


The only foxhole Rump knows is a television “news” personality. He walked right up and kissed it.



Mr. Tic Tac “feels badly.” Maybe he should be more careful where he puts those dinky digits. I suppose Melania will stay married for Secret Service protection from him.

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“It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to."

Donald probably thinks this will win over “the blacks”. ‘Look, I’ve been enslaved, too. Believe me!’


The shackles are some of the establishment people … being nasty to the nominee.

This guy reminds me of my preadolescent nieces and nephews. “Mommy, they’ve been nasty to me”
Man, I’ll be glad when this election is over.


So do about 90% of the senators and congress people, and the administration. How many “draft dodgers” do we have among them? And, on the other hand, what’s wrong with dodging a draft to commit war crimes, crimes of torture and terrorism, and child dismemberment worldwide for the machine? I say draft dodgers are the most courageous people in America due to the criminal nature of our war machine. On the other hand, two-bit laughable cowards like McCain and Kerry never had the courage to dodge the draft for Viet Nam, which was the only courageous thing to do. Or do you believe Viet Nam was a great thing to serve and kill in those Killing Fields? I guess so. You go join this criminal armed force of America and enjoy cutting up children and their pets worldwide, and destroying land / crops / air / water / people / all life everywhere? Yeah, join the armed forces since you are so brave and smart. And while you are at it, why don’t you discuss George W. Bush’s service, and Bill Clinton’s service, and Obama’s service …

For most of the past year and a half, the media have pushed Trump and Clinton (to a somewhat lesser degree) to the front of our Presidential race.

The major media are profit driven and they love this… Instead of ending up with Bernie vs Kasich (perhaps), we end up with this…

Hillary will, no doubt be a good President but, change will be incremental. I hope she can reel in her hawkishness…

Aren’t unshackled and unchained synonyms for unhinged?


Rump is telling more truth about his fellow Republicans than on every other subject combined. It really is deplorable how Ryan, McCain, and the rest of the party have skated by on the strength of irredeemable white nationalists, sexist pigs and Christians who already have their rewards in full.

Taking their money. Using their votes. Allowing them to believe they’re one of them, while wholeheartedly supporting every privilege of every American business executive who’s ever deliberately chosen to hire someone illegally. Who’s intentionally chosen to outsource jobs to India or China. Who’s imported garbage, which impoverishes us all by falling apart after a couple of uses, on purpose. Who’s busted unions, raided pension funds, and avoided taxes by any means necessary, even if, or especially if, it means driving profitable American companies into bankruptcy.

Well guess what, the irredeemables have spoken. They’re right to be angry and they want their prejudices confirmed directly. Not in code. But if they can get their target selection realigned to the Republicans who’re directly responsible for half of what’s wrong with the country, and who’ve been unhelpful towards solving the other half, then The Rump might still turn out to be a bigger accidental hero than he deserves credit for.