I never in a million years thought this would happen. I mean Drumpf’s records being released…
Trump said Monday that his campaign would release information about his recent physical in the next few days.
Geez, I must have missed the presser announcing Dr. Bornstein was done with his audit and OK'd the release of records.
Scam artist doctor talks to scam artist Trump. It’s a scam-a-thon
No medical record, no tax returns.
Maybe he did not see any doctors and he did not file any tax returns?
Will Trump be able to sit for an interview with Marcus Welby without mentioning Hillary Clinton?
Someone is embarrassed about his vitamin V prescription.
Come on folks, Little Donnie Trump needs for his privacy to be protected.
There is a lot of pressure in a campaign what with his demanding that Hillary stop her secretive ways and revival that she has in fact been dead for over a year and all.
Donnie’s health is not an issue. It has already been established that he will be the most healthy President in history.
The fact that he is running against a zombie is what is important. Why won’t Hillary make her death certificate public? It is shameful.
Hypertension/heart disease at the very least. And probably ___________ (insert STD here)
Don’t be so hard on Trump. You’re being too rigid in your assessment.
Oh, I believe he went to a doctor. This is Trump’s Razor at work here. He went to a doctor expecting be told he’s so healthy, so freaking healthy that doctors have never seen anything like it. Instead, he was told he’s morbidly obese, has a serious heart condition, probably has diabetes, and should lose weight immediately. There’s literally nothing he can discuss with Dr. Oz about his medical records without revealing something devastating. Again, Trump’s Razor. Only he would be stupid enough to think his medical records wouldn’t be a problem.
From watching his speeches I have diagnosed him with a serious brain tumor, a blood clot in the brain, an extensive history of concussions, syphilitic dementia, and numerous mental illnesses, so it isn’t a surprise that he isn’t releasing any records.
Come on guys, Trump deserves privacy.
In the meantime we need to see Hillary’s health records - including the results of her1st Grade eye and hearing exams - plus her full bloodwork weekly posted on the internet with a complete biochemical analysis by the honorable, esteemed doctor and diet pill shill Keith Ablow.
Not only that, but his eating habits are deplorable.
Never thought this would happen. More reality TV. This is bizarre. Does everyone realize how silly this all this? This man can not be our President.
I’m shocked! shocked!
another day, another lie : typical drumpf. Has he ever kept his word on ANY promise he has made during this campaign?
Unfortunately, he could be.
As Will Rogers said, “They say any boy could grow up to be president. I’m beginning to believe it.”
I am a billionaire. My privacy is very important to me. My supporters get that.
You should place a call to Sean Hannity immediately - he has apparently been asking for commentators to diagnose “all” of Hillary Clinton’s health problems on air.