My premise has been that the median American is a gullible coward.


Let’s thank the media for this historic disgrace… you included, TPM


I guess it really was rigged. Anybody know a good Russian language course?

Excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep.


I appreciate TPM showing us the USC/LA Times poll that consistently showed Trump winning.

I never quite understood why Josh insisted on discounting it. But, we all know this is the election that “insiders”, coastal bubble dwellers and those marketing “savvy” will be remembered as being historically out of touch.

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White people do the strangest things…

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Fuck America.


America just did that to itself…


I got nothing…


Technically, the polling average at TPM and other outlets was closer to the actual popular vote total (which is what a national poll aspires to, not the Electoral College results) than the consistent outlier LA Times poll, just in the opposite direction.

The state-level polls sucked. The national polls were as accurate as they claimed to be (which is not very accurate).


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Posted this in another thread, but this one seems more appropriate:

Well, Republicans, you have it. You were willing to elect a child-raping, sociopathic, pathological liar and cheater to do it, but you’ve got it. You were willing to align yourselves with the most deplorable fascist, racist, sexist, and xenophobic neanderthals to make it happen, and it happened. You built an entire media empire to sell your lies and innuendos to a populace as “entertainment”, destroying the entire functional fourth estate in the process, and it worked. Congratulations.

Now let’s see it. We call your bluff. On the table, now: proposal to fix healthcare that works without having any negative effects for anyone anywhere; legislation to build a wall along the entire southern border along with the funding to build and maintain it; a program to deport 11 million residents of this country without disrupting the economy and sending us into a recession; “fix” trade imbalances with the rest of the world without raising the prices on the cheap shit we buy at Walmart or sending the dollar into an inflationary spiral leading to complete monetary collapse.

And of course we’ll see all those legal victories Trump promised us - Hillary Clinton in jail, all of his rape victims libelers successfully sued for defamation, and Trump University vindicated.

Any terrorist attack in the next two years? On your shoulders. Any setback in Syria? That’s you. Any mass shooting? You asked for it.

You have gone all out to win it, and you did it. Congratulations. You have the crown. And you have no excuses. You own the House. You own the Senate. You own the Presidency. You have successfully cheated your way to a free appointment to the Supreme Court (at least one) so that won’t be in your way either. It is all yours. No excuses.

Let’s see the “Republican Paradise” you have been promising.

If it isn’t here in two years, or clearly on its way, there will be hell to pay. This bill is coming due.


As an American, life long New Yorker and non-observant Jew I have always had contempt for Trump. Thankfully I have never had to deal with anti-Semitism. It just was not in the ethos in the NYC area and suburbs. The only time was some snide remarks in grade school “Christ killer!” I told them off “Hey, Jesus was a Jew after all”. Then it stopped, never had to deal with it again.
Now with the alt-Right Trumpsters and their anti-Semitic cohorts we should all be warned. Don’t give me “but his daughter converted”. My late great uncle who fled Germany in the 30’s would be horrified.


The “poll of polls” never showed Trump surpassing Hillary once since the campaign started. Do the flyover people not have phones? Then within three hours:

I don’t put so much stock in polls, but it’s quite surprising. (Not Nate’s pic , it’s NYTimes…)
Now Silver:

In an extremely narrow sense, I’m not that surprised by the outcome, since polling — to a greater extent than the conventional wisdom acknowledged…

Isn’t that his job? To bring science- well, stats- to the "conventional wisdom?

From Billmon:

The screenwriter William Goldman on Hollywood’s ability to predict a hit: “Nobody knows anything.”
The forecasting industry’s epitaph.

Anyway I’m going on a media blackout for a while- it’s all become a bit too “Black Mirror” for me.
Good luck, and goodnight.


I hereby bid you my farewells…

Nice to have ‘known’ you

That’s ridiculous. TPM and similar sites have zero to do with what happened. They are not the mainstream (CNN, networks, Yahoo, and I suppose Fox and Rush etc.) media. About zero Trump voters read a word of TPM.

The Democratic convention was extremely well produced and effective. The Republican one was a crappy mess. Donald’s family is a crew of snakes. His wife is a trophy wife who can barely speak English and worked illegally in the US, and he’s all about immigrants speaking English and obeying the law. He was horrible in the debates, plus constant sniffing. None of it mattered.

Obviously most people in the US do not vote logically but based on incoherent resentments. Hillary Clinton offered a laundry list of improvements, not easily graspable simple minded overall concepts. She did not effectively defend herself from the ridiculous empty email charge. She did not derail the sexist resentments against her. All these things are about feelings, anger, hate, resentments etc. and she did nothing about any of it. And about ten or twenty percent of the voters just voted to ban abortion and nothing else. She did not address that either.

Hillary and her people did not appear to understand the internal narratives and generalizations and feeling (not thinking) that voters without much information and political understanding and critical thinking skills operate on. Great on organization and GOTV etc. while missing the boat entirely. Lots of trees, no forest.

A random armchair kibbutzer - like for example me - could have done better at the important stuff. I didn’t just make up these observations this minute. I thought she would win anyway, but all this was obvious all along.


Today is the anniversary of Kristalnacht. Yuck.