Discussion: Trump Will Reportedly Nominate Leading EPA Antagonist To Lead EPA

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and the hits just keep on coming.
We will look just like Beijing on a hot summer day in few years thanks to these morons and industry-suck-ups.
Like clean water? Like clean air? Fuck You! There is MONEY to be made!!!
Weep for America.


I guess Al Gore’s visit with Ivanka didn’t go very well. Frick, this is when I’d welcome a Christie Todd Whitman.


WTF did you expect? If anybody hates the EPA more than Big Oil it’s real estate developers. Hands-down, without question. It’s in fact somewhat surprising that Trump didn’t just say “I intend to dismantle it right quick, so I’m not going to bother appointing anyone.”

Get ready for lead in your water.


Trump to Scott Pruitt: “Fox, here’s the hen house, take care of it for me!”


I listened to an interview with an executive of an energy company the other day. The subject was coal, coal fired power plants, and Trump’s promises of revitalizing both coal jobs and the power generation sector that used coal. This person was dismissive almost to the point of derisive chuckles at those thinking coal plants were going to make any kind of significant comeback. He said everyone he knew in the energy sector had no plans to either build a new coal powered energy plant, nor bring any dormant ones out of mothball. He said natural gas made such a move cost prohibitive. He also said more energy companies than the GOP would like anyone to believe are excited about all the other various energy sources to be developed; wind, solar, tide, hydro, etc.
Rust Belt and coal country citizens are going to be sadly disappointed when all these coal jobs Trump has promised don’t return.


Clean air and water …who needs it?
As long as someone is making a buck.
Very sad times indeed.
I suspect that it is too late now, the wheels are in motion for the right wing to get every wish granted.
I’m old but will probably live to see the US turned into a cesspool.
Remember those investigative reports about third world country pollution.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you


“President-elect Donald Trump has reportedly chosen Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt” to destroy the EPA.

One of the greatest harms that Drumpf will do is that he will lead thousands of competent, dedicated federal employees to leave their jobs. Which will take many more years to repair.


and Mercury, and Arsenic, and Selenium, and hundreds of other heavy metals and toxins.
Congress is poised to pass the “Financial Cost” law for the EPA that would allow ANYONE to challenge any EPA regulation on the basis of “Financial Cost”.
In other words, if it cost ANYBODY any money, no matter how tangentially, the regulation would be automatically overridden.


Hey, ingestion of heavy metals was good enough for us growing up, our kids and grandkids can do it too!!


No. That will “shrink government until we can drown it in the bathtub” which is what the .01% want. A return to the glorious days of the “Gilded Age” of the 1880s when the Robber Barons paid no taxes and ruled the country without challenge.


Looks like a good time to invest in dioxin, fluorocarbons, lead paint, and DDT.


I don’t know what this person’s thinking was, but I suppose anyone with brains realizes that a new coal plant could be regulated out of operation under the next administration. I hadn’t thought about this myself, to be honest, but it’s pretty obvious.


I grew up on heavy metals. Paranoid is still one of my favorite albums.


and the resulting brain damage explains why most of you voted for Trump too!

Seriously, there have been multiple studies showing that IQs are now starting to increase in the young as the effects of heavy metal poisoning (mostly lead and mercury) have decreased in the environment due to the EPA regulations on Gasoline (removal of lead) and power-plants (emission standards.)

Kiss those days goodbye.


Goodbye Earth, Hello Exxon


Exactly! And who doesn’t want three arms?!


And this was a large part of the point Hillary was making when she made her now infamous–and taken totally out of context–observation about “putting many people out of work.” If they’d only opened their damned brains and comprehended the whole thought and not just that little snippet. I truly hate the alt-right and today’s MSM.


I suspect that there will be a run on tanks of hospital grade oxygen. And then later on any oxygen that can be found.


Is there no failed general to appoint for the EPA? What gives?