Will this be before or after LeBron announces his new team, will it be a prime time announcement with bells and whistles, and if a woman will it be Harriet Miers or Ivanka?
I guess that’ll give Judge Judy time to tape the final episodes of her show.
So I guess this means that Roy Moore is out of the running.
Too bad, birds of a feather and all.
He might not ask them about overturning Roe v Wade but he’s said on multiple occasions that’s the ONLY type of justice he’ll support. So let’s hope the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee ASSUME that the person, who will not answer the question of course, intends to roll it back. A non-answer means “yes.” Every single senator should hammer this fact home repeatedly … .
OK, my money right now is on Judge Jeannine Pirro.
This will likely be the best birthday gift my sister will ever receive.
Fun Fact: A law degree is NOT required to serve on the Supreme Court.
Lady Macbeth will get those stains out faster than this country will from this loathsome sack of crap.
What they want is someone to overturn Roe V Wade.
What he NEEDS is someone to help shut down Mueller.
The President said that he does not plan to ask candidates where they stand on the Roe v. Wade court ruling that legalized abortion.
Trump, the reality show TV President, again.
“Trump told White House reporters about his coming announcement on his flight to his golf course in New Jersey.”
Stroke out on your strokes, buddy, as it will be 96-100 F and humid in Bedminster NJ the next few days. They better have an ambulance following this guy around the course.
O I do love the sound of that I must say.
If ever I see Mitch McConnell in person, I will spit very hard at him. I am so fucking angry, I am spitting nails.
Here’s to wishing the largest kidney stone ever to attempt to make its way from Mitch’s kidney to his pee hole … but never make it, getting stuck multiple times, scraping and bleeding. Scraping and bleeding, Mitch. Oh, the severe backache, doubling over in sharp, persistent pain. Too bad, Mitch – put up with it for the next twenty-five years. Asshole.
"Forget that choice crap," he continued, "What matters is where they stand on self-pardons!"
A Fox talking head perhaps?
No! It will be the cult member!
He doesn’t have to ask this bunch of ideologues. He already knows.
What a farce.
We’ll be announcing 10 come January 21, 2021.
Collins truly listening to anyone?
Not A Chance.
2 2 treats in one - disgraced ex-judge jeanine pirro