Very Stable Genius has this thing where he broadcasts what he thinks are his innermost thoughts at 170 decibels.
Failing, failing, failing. This failing, that failing. So much failing.
Hmm. I wonder what he’s fixated on.
Dear custodial staff,
We need more TP in the executive washroom.
trump tweets “TREASON!!”
Just now
Clearly the man is losing it.
Lindsey Graham is on cnn at the moment and doing his best to spin this. "Well in Mah World down in s. Carolina people like their Mr trump. In Mah world that hullabaloo will amount to zero
How does he know this person is gutless? For all he knows they could be living promiscuously avoiding STDs during the 80s.
I wish they would just explain to the president that he’s won a trip to the happy dale puppy farm already where he’ll get all the ice cream scoops and special people will write and say nice things about him.
Popcorn. I’m not a fan of the author. My guess is that he’s a major source for Woodward’s book, and is trying to salvage his career. I don’t think it will work. Volodya knows who you are, boy. If it was a person truly with integrity and honor, they would have done something quite different, for example resign with a public statement.
WIddle Donnie has a mad.
WIddle Donnie needs a 25th Amendment intervention.
Treason? Yes, Donald, you’re guilty of treason.
“This is what we have to deal with.” Indeed.
Trump: "If I weren’t here I believe the New York Times probably wouldn’t even
exist. Someday, when I’m not president, which hopefully will be in about
six and a half years, the New York Times, CNN and all of these phony
media outlets will be out of business, folks, they’ll be out of
business, because there’ll [sic] be nothing to write and there’ll [sic] be nothing
of interest.”
Trump’s narcissistic hubris is on full display here. "There will be nothing to write about" after Trump is gone? Give me a break! There will be plenty to write and talk about, not the least of which will be the necessity of cleaning up the colossal mess he has made of the country and the world. God help us, let his departure be soon . . . very soon.
And by the way, the NY Times and CNN will do quite well, thank you very much.
For reals?
Treason? Yes indeed, and we all know who the traitor is, dude. Resign already.
Would wolf Blitzer lie on TV?
Here it is straight from dotard’s twitter feed:
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
7m7 minutes ago
Trump is the one guilty of Treason.
Nobody has ever done in less than a two-year period what we’ve done.
He’s got the right. The destruction of the rule of law, norms and tradition, respect and decency have taken a hit in the past two years that no one has else has ever achieved, in much longer terms. Congratulations Donald Trump and the Republican party, you are the worst gov’t this country has ever witnessed.
None for me. Maybe scotch. I try not to be too pants-on-head internet alarmist, but this is going to be a really scary few days. He’s never been this isolated, and never had reason to be this paranoid. And he’s been challenged – his own staff says he’s impotent and powerless. Even money he’ll see it as a challenge.
The NYT op-ed wasn’t aimed at us, it was aimed at him. What for? I don’t know.
Ummmmm… No?
I think I am lapsing into schadenfreude overload
I hear where you’re coming from, but honestly it’s been a really scary year and a half. All this stuff was in place from the very beginning, just playing out in slow motion. Who knows whether he’ll ride this particular storm out, as he has for all the gale-force ones he has in the past (at this point, it’s his political superpower), or whether the structure has rotted to the point where it will finally give.